Public action for digital health

The Ministry of Solidarity and Health has a strong ambition to deploy digital in healthcare services.
Various programs have been launched, in line with the roadmap for digital health, including the Ségur du numérique en santé, Mon Espace Santé and the "digital health" acceleration strategy.

Click on each object in the House and discover the essentials to know about the subject.

Boussole de la doctrine EXPLOITATION DES DONNÉES HEALTH DATA HUB DES SERVICES POUR LES CITOYENS DES SERVICES POUR LES PROFESSIONNELS BOUQUET DE SERVICES PRO FINANCEMENT Accès au marché Aide à l’innovation et à l’investissement INNOVATION Recherche & données Tiers lieux d’expérimentation Conseil du Numérique en Santé Les talents de la e-santé Formation Attractivité RH Ateliers citoyens et professionnels ENGAGEMENT EVALUATION Opposabilité Essais cliniques et DM Certification SI G_NIUS PLATEFORMES NUMÉRIQUES

Services socles

Référentiels Socles

Éthique :

Sécurité :

Interopérabilité :

Légendes :

Plateformes numériques


Gisement de données

Documents de référence

Accelerating the digital shift in healthcare

For the past few years, the healthcare system in France has been undergoing a transformation that has taken concrete form with the implementation of a policy to transform our healthcare system, and in particular digital healthcare (securing healthcare data, interoperability...)

This transformation policy is described in a roadmap based on 5 major actions: strengthening digital healthcare governance, intensifying the ethics, security and interoperability of healthcare IS (Information Systems), accelerating the deployment of core digital services, rolling out digital healthcare platforms at national level and supporting innovation, assessing and fostering the commitment of players, in order to facilitate the development of innovative healthcare projects.

The implementation of the "Accelerating the digital shift" roadmap is described in technical doctrine. The purpose of this doctrine is to describe the technical and urbanization framework in which digital health data exchange and sharing services (interoperability framework, base repositories, tools...). In line with the "Accelerating the digital shift" roadmap, this technical doctrine focuses on the exchange and sharing of healthcare data, in the health and medico-social fields. This support will help to improve both the care pathway for patients and healthcare professionals, and the reliability and security of healthcare data.

The compass of the digital health doctrine

In order to help professionals with their medical device and IT tool development projects, you will find a service on the G_NIUS platform that will help you better understand this technical doctrine: the compass of doctrine. Through the Maison, find support for each action of the digital health roadmap (reference frameworks, applicable services for the development of your project).

The bricks in the house represent every action that can be taken in the process of creating and marketing your project. Click on a brick to find the information that will help you develop your healthcare innovation project (my health space, DMP, Cybersurveillance, health data hosting (HDS)...). The compass helps you find support and information on the use of repositories, services in place, dedicated tools, applications (professionals and patients), test platforms, new digital or health legislation, and related news and events.

Also keep up with all the latest trends in e-health entrepreneurship with our podcast "100 days to success ". On the program, interviews with experts (Agence du Numérique en Santé, CNIL...) on current topics as well as several tips for moving from theory to practice.

G_NIUS, via this compass helps you orient yourself in this roadmap, to successfully complete your project.

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