Public action for digital health
The Ministry of Solidarity and Health has a strong ambition to deploy digital in healthcare services.
Various programs have been launched, in line with the roadmap for digital health, including the Ségur du numérique en santé, Mon Espace Santé and the "digital health" acceleration strategy.
Click on each object in the House and discover the essentials to know about the subject.
Services socles
Référentiels Socles
Éthique :
Sécurité :
Interopérabilité :
Légendes :
Plateformes numériques
Gisement de données
Documents de référence
The Ministry of Health and Prevention encourages and funds innovators:
- In the form of innovation and investment grants through calls for projects
. - Through improved market access taking into account the needs of entrepreneurs
The Ministry of Solidarity and Health is implementing a series of measures to involve the entire ecosystem
- The Conseil Numérique en Santé is a consultative body made up of all eHealth stakeholders
. - The talents de la eSanté highlight innovative solutions and reward innovators
. - The citizen and professional workshops enable the needs of users and the community to be taken into consideration
. - Structuring training actions in the acceleration strategy develop the digital skills of professionals and strengthen the HR attractiveness of the sector
The Ministry of Solidarity and Health is supporting the evaluation phase:
- By implementing rules to enable the opposability of safety repositories
. - Through evaluation in the conduct of rigorous clinical trials for digital DM
. - By the IS certification of healthcare establishments
The Ministry of Solidarity and Health promotes innovation:
- Via the guichet national de l'innovation et des usages en e-santé (G_NIUS) and the various services offered to entrepreneurs
. - Supporting research projects, data creation and exploitation.
- Developing Tiers Lieux d'expérimentation
Health Data Hub
Health aims to be one of the priority sectors for the development of artificial intelligence (IA) in France.
The creation of the Health Data Hub aims to facilitate access to healthcare data for innovative general interest projectsunder high security conditions and with respect for citizens' rights.
Découvrirthe sheet Health Data HubEn cours de construction
Service package
The service package gives healthcare professionals one-stop access to multiple services.
The core services: DMP, MSS, E-prescription, e-parcours program coordination services
The Digital Health Space of the mirrored patient
Services offered by private players: publishers, manufacturers and e-health innovation players
Existing services offered, for example, by compulsory and complementary Health Insurance
Découvrirthe sheet Service packageEn cours de construction
My health space
Mon espace santé is the new public service that provides people with an electronic health record, enabling them to retrieve and manage their health data and share it securely with the professionals of their choice.
Open by default to all citizens, it simplifies people's daily lives and contributes to their better care. Users can connect via the website, as well as the mobile application offering the same functionalities.
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Coordination tools
It's a set of services for healthcare pathways, enabling professionals to coordinate, share information around the user's situation and organize their healthcare pathway without disruption.
Access to digital coordination services is provided via the package of services for professionals and Mon Espace Santé.
These services are provided in particular by the manufacturers selected by the industries selected as part of the e-parcours framework agreement.
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Secure Health Messaging for professionals and citizens (MSSanté)
MSSanté is the national secure healthcare messaging system.
It is a secure exchange space within which healthcare, medico-social and social professionals, can communicate by email health data in complete security (confidentialityof data and confidence in the identity ofthe actors involved in the exchanges).
It enables the exchange of messages and documents such as liaison letters or reports (hospitalization, consultations, biology...).
Découvrirthe sheet Secure Health Messaging for professionals and citizens (MSSanté)To see on the same subject
Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP)
A true digital health record, the Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) meets a public health challenge.
It strengthens collaboration between all healthcare professionals, in town and in hospital, and facilitates patient follow-up. Its use is particularly relevant when it comes to having the right information, at the right time, wherever you are.
The DMP is a key element in the health care system.
Découvrirthe sheet Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP)To see on the same subject
En cours de construction
The objective is to centralise the user's/patient's appointments in their Mon Espace Santé, drawing from the various existing and future systems and appointment platforms.
Découvrirthe sheet CalendarEn cours de construction
Digital prescription
E-prescribing involves dematerializing the prescription circuit between doctors, pharmacists and other prescribing professionals.
It simplifies and secures the prescription transmission circuit from prescription to dispensation by the pharmacist or performance of the procedure by the prescribed professional.
It contributes to more fluid and reliable exchanges between doctors and prescribing professions, and thus promotes the coordination of care, notably through the sharing of information in the DMP.
Découvrirthe sheet Digital prescriptionEn cours de construction
Ethics toolbox
The aim of the ethics unit is to establish the development of digital healthcare within an ethical, responsible framework that respects the rights of all players in the ecosystem, whether patients or professionals, so as to guarantee trust, adherence, and consequently, usage. The creation of the Ethics unit corresponds to Action 4 "Ethics" of the Roadmap for digital healthcare presented at the Conseil du Numérique en Santé on June 18, 2020.
Découvrirthe sheet Ethics toolboxOpérationnel
Cyber surveillance
To improve the security of healthcare information systems, a cyber-surveillance service has been set up.
This is a service for diagnosing and assessing information system security vis-à-vis the Internet.
It must measure the degree of exposure of a system's Internet-exposed interfaces to known vulnerabilities.
Découvrirthe sheet Cyber surveillanceTo see on the same subject
En cours de construction
Carte Vitale application (ApCV)
The carte Vitale app is the new format of the carte Vitale, which responds to today's digital uses and aims to facilitate exchanges between healthcare professionals and their patients.
Découvrirthe sheet Carte Vitale application (ApCV)To see on the same subject
The e-CPS is a means of electronic authentication for healthcare professionals. It offers strong authentication in mobile situations.
It relies on the Pro Santé Connect
federator of identity providers.Offering the possibility of connection via the e-CPS in your applications is the guarantee of having a means of authentication that complies with regulations at all times, and of relying on opposable data.
Découvrirthe sheet e-CPSTo see on the same subject
FranceConnect is a federator of providers of identities: Ameli, Compte fiscal, La Poste, MSA, Mobile Connect and Moi.
It enables players offering digital healthcare services to identify their users(citizens/patients)according to the sensitivity of the service.
Implementation of the solution is straightforward and based on standard technologies.
From 2021, new identity providers have enriched the "substantial level of guarantee" offer, notably with the application carte vitale (ApCV) and the carte nationale d'identité électronique (CNIé).
Since 2020, private digital health services can also use FranceConnect. Designers, apply to experiment.
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Pro Santé Connect
Pro Santé Connect is a federator of identity providers.
It enables
- Healthcare professionals to simply authenticate themselves electronically to digital services.
- Digital services to simply implement an electronic authentication solution.
Pro Santé Connect performs authentication on behalf of digital healthcare services and relieves you of this management
Découvrirthe sheet Pro Santé ConnectTo see on the same subject
National Health Identity (INS)
The National Health Identity (INS) makes it possible to reference healthcare data with a unique, long-lasting identity shared by all healthcare professionals.
This enables optimized sharing of medical information between care providers, in complete security and confidence.
Referencing healthcare data with INS identity is mandatory since January 1, 2021.
Découvrirthe sheet National Health Identity (INS)Opérationnel
The RPPS+ portal enables professionals working in the healthcare, medico-social and social sectors (excluding registered professions and ADELI) to be registered in the RPPS (sectoral reference directory of natural persons), with a role in the care and support of patient users.
Registration with the RPPS thus enables the delivery of electronic means of identification, the e-CPS to professionals for access to digital health services, in particular the DUI (computerized user record) and the DMP (shared medical record) and/or the exchange of health data via a nominative MSSanté mailbox.
Découvrirthe sheet RPPS+To see on the same subject
National file of health and social establishments (FINESS)
The FINESS directory is the unique, national reference directory of legal entities involved in the health, medico-social and education of health and social professionals.
The data concerning the identity of professionals and their skills are reliable, and opposable.
Integrating the information into your applications gives you up-to-date, opposable data.
Découvrirthe sheet National file of health and social establishments (FINESS)To see on the same subject
National Directory of Supply and Resources (ROR)
The Répertoire national de l'Offre et des Ressources en santé et accompagnement médico-social (ROR) is the data repository describing the healthcare offer common to the healthcare and medicosocial sectors.
Thirty or so business applications are currently connected to the ROR.
These applications, used by professionals or users, contribute to the orientationof people or the coordinationof healthcare pathways.
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Healthcare data hosting (HDS)
Personal health data is sensitive data.
Access to it is regulated by law to protect the rights of individuals.
Health data hosting (HDS) must consequently be carried out under security conditions appropriate to their criticality.
A reference framework published by decree defines the terms and conditions expected.
Découvrirthe sheet Healthcare data hosting (HDS)Opérationnel
General Health Information Systems Security Policy (PGSSI-S)
The General Security Policy for Healthcare Information Systems (PGSSI-S) brings together referentials of requirements, good practice guides and proposes a common framework for securing information systems in the healthcare sector.
Designers: identify the implementation stages for implementation in line with your roadmaps.
Découvrirthe sheet General Health Information Systems Security Policy (PGSSI-S)To see on the same subject
En cours de construction
Health Terminology Management Center (CGTS)
Healthcare professionals use multiple terminologies, value sets... depending on the different formats used by software publishers.
The Centre de Gestion des Terminologies de Santé (CGTS) is a national public repository that distributes semantic resources for the health-social sector free of charge.
Designer: the CGTS offers you support services to optimize the use of terminologies in your applications.
Découvrirthe sheet Health Terminology Management Center (CGTS)To see on the same subject
En cours de construction
Multi-Terminology Server (SMT)
The Centre de gestion des terminologies de santé (CGTS) is a national public repository that distributes free semantic resources for the sante-social sector.
The SMT -Serveur Multi-Terminologies is the technical toolof the CGTS for the distribution and management of healthcare terminologies.
Découvrirthe sheet Multi-Terminology Server (SMT)To see on the same subject
SIS Interoperability Framework (CI-SIS)
The Health Information Systems Interoperability Framework (CI-SIS) sets the rules for acommunicating health IT by specifying flows between health information systems.
Designer: learn about technical and semantic standards, and make your applications interoperable with other professional tools.
Découvrirthe sheet SIS Interoperability Framework (CI-SIS)Accelerating the digital shift in healthcare
For the past few years, the healthcare system in France has been undergoing a transformation that has taken concrete form with the implementation of a policy to transform our healthcare system, and in particular digital healthcare (securing healthcare data, interoperability...)
This transformation policy is described in a roadmap based on 5 major actions: strengthening digital healthcare governance, intensifying the ethics, security and interoperability of healthcare IS (Information Systems), accelerating the deployment of core digital services, rolling out digital healthcare platforms at national level and supporting innovation, assessing and fostering the commitment of players, in order to facilitate the development of innovative healthcare projects.
The implementation of the "Accelerating the digital shift" roadmap is described in technical doctrine. The purpose of this doctrine is to describe the technical and urbanization framework in which digital health data exchange and sharing services (interoperability framework, base repositories, tools...). In line with the "Accelerating the digital shift" roadmap, this technical doctrine focuses on the exchange and sharing of healthcare data, in the health and medico-social fields. This support will help to improve both the care pathway for patients and healthcare professionals, and the reliability and security of healthcare data.
The compass of the digital health doctrine
In order to help professionals with their medical device and IT tool development projects, you will find a service on the G_NIUS platform that will help you better understand this technical doctrine: the compass of doctrine. Through the Maison, find support for each action of the digital health roadmap (reference frameworks, applicable services for the development of your project).
The bricks in the house represent every action that can be taken in the process of creating and marketing your project. Click on a brick to find the information that will help you develop your healthcare innovation project (my health space, DMP, Cybersurveillance, health data hosting (HDS)...). The compass helps you find support and information on the use of repositories, services in place, dedicated tools, applications (professionals and patients), test platforms, new digital or health legislation, and related news and events.
Also keep up with all the latest trends in e-health entrepreneurship with our podcast "100 days to success ". On the program, interviews with experts (Agence du Numérique en Santé, CNIL...) on current topics as well as several tips for moving from theory to practice.
G_NIUS, via this compass helps you orient yourself in this roadmap, to successfully complete your project.