Secure Health Messaging for professionals and citizens (MSSanté)
MSSanté is the national secure healthcare messaging system.
Getting started

How does MSSanté work?
Secure healthcare messaging (MSSanté) enables professionals in the healthcare, social and medico-social sectors, authorized by law, to exchange personal healthcare data with each other securely. MSSanté also enables exchanges with patients/users via the Mon Espace Santé health messaging system.
There is a plurality operators who offer secure messaging (healthcare establishments, manufacturers, public bodies ..) and who meet the technical and organizational requirements defined by Référentiel #1 Opérateurs MSSanté. MSSanté mailboxes (BALs) can only exchange within the trusted space, they can only exchange with other MSSanté BALs.
The Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS) is the regulator for the MSSanté subject, and together with the CNAM, is driving deployment.
How can you integrate MSSanté into your services?
You can become an Operator and offer an MSSanté service or use the services of a third-party Operator.
In practice
There are two ways to interact with the MSSanté Trusted Space. You can become an MSSanté operator to offer a secure health messaging service to your users, or you can interface your solution with existing MSS services to easily integrate messages received by your users into their MSSanté box.
When ?
Becoming an operator can take from a few weeks to a few months depending on your technical architecture.
The ANS offers support for manufacturers wishing to join the Espace de Confiance and make the best decisions according to need.
Key figures
of connected healthcare facilities
of connected social and medical-social establishments and services
10 Million
of messages each month
Our experts on the subject
Finding your way around technical doctrine
The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.