The e-CPS is a means of electronic authentication for healthcare professionals.

Getting started

The e-CPS is the digital card for healthcare professionals. It offers strong authentication in mobile situations and relies on the federator of identity providers Pro Santé Connect.

Pro Santé Connect is a federator of identity providers based on the OpenID Connect standard. Service providers who integrate it can thus retrieve the identity of the person as well as the identity (profession, etc.), and base certain clearance decisions on these characteristics.

The healthcare professional can, for his or her part, electronically authenticate to e-CPS-compatible services present on his or her cell phone (DMP, MSSanté, etc.).) This is essential for those who don't have a CPS card (Carte de Professionnel de Santé), and more practical for those who want to authenticate electronically to their services without going through a workstation equipped with a card reader.

Offering the possibility of connection via e-CPS in your applications is the guarantee of having a means of authentication that complies with regulations at all times, and of relying on opposable data.

In practice

You can activate your e-CPS on your smartphone as soon as you have either a nominative physical CPx card or reliable contact details in the Annuaire Santé


When ?

The connection to Pro Santé Connect can intervene on new projects but also on tools in service.

Technical connection can be completed in 24 to 48 hours. Functional connection takes an average of 2 months.

Key figures


e-CPS active in January 2024

11,3 M

of monthly authentications at peak service usage


Frequently asked questions


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The ANS provides a test/sandbox environment:

  • e-CPS BAS application available on Google Play
  • e-CPS sandbox enrolment portal

The sandbox connection request is made via an online form on the industrial portal.

Our experts on the subject

Laurent Ragain,

Agence du Numérique en Santé

Nicolas Dieryck,

Agence du Numérique en Santé

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RPPS+ regulation sheet

The RPPS is the reference sector directory used to identify professionals, natural persons, working in the healthcare, medico-social and social sectors.

Finding your way around technical doctrine

The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.

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