The RPPS+ portal enables professionals working in the healthcare, medico-social and social sectors to be registered in the Répertoire Sectoriel de Référence des Personnes Physiques.
The RPPS+ portal enables professionals working in the healthcare, medico-social and social sectors to be registered in the Répertoire Sectoriel de Référence des Personnes Physiques.Getting started
What is the RPPS directory?
The shared directory of professionals working in the healthcare system (RPPS) is the unique reference directory for identifying healthcare and medico-social professionals. It gathers and publishes information on healthcare professionals, based on an RPPS number assigned to the professional for his or her entire life.
Who are the natural persons present in this directory?
The RPPS includes, exhaustively and compulsorily:
- Professionals belonging to professions with an order: doctors, dental surgeons, midwives, pharmacists, masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, pedicure-podologues, nurses;
- Professionals without an order who are registered by the Agences Régionales de Santé (ARS), currently in ADELI and gradually in the RPPS, replacing ADELI.
Since December 2022, the RPPS has been open to other medico-social professions involved in the care of users and patients and who have a role in support, in a non-exhaustive manner. Registration of these professionals in the RPPS must be done locally, by establishments via the RPPS+ portal.
What identification data is contained in the directory?
- Civil status data (such as surname/first name/date of birth...).
- Data specific to the healthcare sector (such as the professional's national public identifier, profession or specialty, place of practice, public e-mail address, ...).
Preliminary contractualization and habilitation steps are required to connect to the RPPS+ portal.
In practice
Consult or manually download our free-access data extractions on the annuaire.sante.fr website in order to populate your database
Register the employees of your social or medico-social establishment or service on the portail RPPS+
page.When ?
- Once you have completed the administrative stages of contractualization and habilitation
- Once you have identified the professionals at your facility to be registered in the RPPS+ portal
Health directory data
Frequently asked questions
Access the various contents of the platform e-santé-formation
Health directory data comes from the RPPS directory, the ADELI (Automatisation DEs LIstes) directory and the national file of health and social establishments (FINESS). They are supplemented by MSSanté addresses and health professional card (CPS) data. These data are updated daily or weekly.
.If you wish to use this data on a frequent basis, such as to keep a database up to date for example, you are advised to use extraction webservices, which will allow you to automatically retrieve data from extractions by simple URL calls. For more information on these extraction webservices, please consult part 4.2.1 of the functional and technical specifications file.
The stages of the project:
Mid 2023
Opening of the RPPS+ portal to pharmacies for registration of pharmacy assistants.
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