Carte Vitale application (ApCV)
The carte Vitale app is the new format of the carte Vitale, which responds to current digital uses and aims to facilitate exchanges between healthcare professionals and their patients.
Getting started
A dematerialized version of the current carte vitale, the Appli carte Vitale takes the form of a application for smartphones. The aim is to offer policyholders a secure solution for digital identification and authentication.
In effect, the carte Vitale app is a gateway to Assurance Maladie services and functionalities, such as the billing of medical acts, access to Assurance Maladie teleservices such as the shared medical record and, for pharmacists, to the pharmaceutical record (DP).
In addition to the data identifying the insured and his or her beneficiaries, already present on the physical Vitale card, the Vitale card app enables the integration of new data: the National Health Identity (INS) and, eventually, data from complementary and mutual insurance organizations. (No more need for the Mutuelle card or attestation mutuelle).
In time, the application will offer new features to provide policyholders with greater convenience:
- Delegate the uses of their Vitale card to a trusted person. For example, grandparents who look after their grandchildren.
- Sign in securely to other digital health services.
In practice
Adapt your services to healthcare professionals in towns or institutions to make them compatible with the carte Vitale app to ensure the transition to the dematerialized carte Vitale.
To read the carte Vitale app, the professional must have software compatible with the carte Vitale app as well as a QR Code and/or NFC reading device.
The Assurance Maladie recommends the use of QR Code as this technology is compatible with all smartphones. NFC technology, on the other hand, is complementary, as it is not available on IPhones and certain Android smartphones.
Maladie Insurance recommends the use of QR Code, as this technology is compatible with all smartphones.
When ?
For historical services (PS billing, TLSi PS, etc.) les cahiers des charges sont disponibles depuis octobre 2020 sur le site du GIE SESAM-Vitale.
Reference texts relating to the carte Vitale app
Frequently asked questions
To accompany you in your steps and help you deploy rapidly your products and services among healthcare professionals:
To obtain:
- Help with the development of software compatible with the Carte Vitale appliance:
- Support for the first Vitale card application flow and assistance with deployment:
Next steps in the project.
After an initial trial run in 2 départements, the carte Vitale app has entered a larger-scale pilot phase in 8 départements (Rhône and Alpes-Maritimes, Loire-Atlantique, Puy-de-Dôme, Sarthe, Seine-Maritime, Bas-Rhin, Saône-et-Loire).
Late 2025
All insured persons should be able to benefit from the carte Vitale app.
Our experts on the subject
Finding your way around technical doctrine
The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.