Mon Espace Santé
Mon Espace Santé is a personal space where users manage their health data.
Getting started
Mon espace santé already offers all users of our healthcare system:
- A secure messaging service allowing the exchange of information and documents (prescriptions, photos, etc.) between the user and the professionals involved in his or her care.
- A "health calendar" to consolidate all health events: Medical appointments, hospitalisations, reminders, etc. These events can be added by the appointment booking services, the institutions' portals, and the user on their own.
- A catalogue of services listed/approved by the public authorities (the Mon Espace Santé "store"), where the user will be able to share the health data from their Mon Espace Santé with the apps of their choice.
Tomorrow, Mon espace santé will feature two major functionalities:
- A health diary, enabling users to consolidate various events linked to their care path, as well as personalized preventive reminders (medical appointments, hospitalizations, vaccination reminders, etc.). These events can be fed by the user him/herself, as well as by appointment booking services, hospital portals and the Assurance Maladie.
Application designers: join the mon espace santé catalog of referenced digital services!
In practice
Consider the use cases of your solution being listed in the store and watch for upcoming announcements.
When ?
Mon Espace Santé will be launched on January 1, 2022.
Initial user tests will be conducted in selected regions in 2021.
Le parcours guidé du référencement à Mon espace santé
Nous vous guidons dans les étapes à mener, les acteurs à contacter, la documentation à consulter.
Questions fréquentes
Je me forme
Accédez aux différents contenus de la plateforme e-santé-formation
Our experts on the subject
Finding your way around the technical framework
The technical framework describes the actions in the ministerial roadmap for the eHealth shift.