National Directory of Supply and Resources (ROR)

The ROR is the Répertoire national de l'Offre et des Ressources en santé et accompagnement médico-social.

Getting started

The ROR (Répertoire national de l'Offre et des Ressources en santé et accompagnement médico-social) centralizes the description of the healthcare offer of health establishments (MCO, SSR, PSY), town structures (private practices, maisons de santé, health centers) as well as establishments and services in charge of the frail elderly and people with disabilities. It also centralizes the availability of beds and places.

Video : What is the ROR?

This information is entered by structures or fed automatically by business tools such as bed management tools for bed availability.

Video: How does the ROR work?

The ROR feeds the digital services used by healthcare professionals. As a result, professionals can consult the offer directly in their business tools and quickly direct their patients to the professional or structure that best meets their needs. A growing number of digital services are using this data.
Positioned as a unique repository for describing the offer, the ROR evolves with professional practices and patient care modalities. To ensure a high-availability, scalable and sustainable data dissemination service, regional RORs have been feeding a national ROR instance with standardized information describing the offer since February 2023. Digital services can thus access a national view of healthcare provision via a single feed.

RPR challenges and goals

The stakes:

  • Reduce the time spent searching for the healthcare offer best suited to the user's needs
  • Diminish the risk of disruption in care
  • Improve coordination between healthcare and life-course actors
  • Optimize the management of health crises, notably via the sharing of bed availability

When should you connect to the ROR?

  • If your digital service serves one of the following purposes: Orientation, regulation, coordination, piloting, you can follow the consumer publisher path. This pathway will enable you to connect to the National ROR in order to consume healthcare supply data.
  • If you are a bed management solution, you must meet the two conditions below:
    • Have the purpose of providing information on bed availability for one or more facilities;
    • Provide an exhaustive list of facilities that supply information on bed availability to the ROR National

How does it work?

I identify the data I wish to consume or supply to the ROR

  • Consumer publisher: I assess whether I need public or restricted data, and how I will access it.
  • Provider publisher: I study the technical modalities for supplying data to the National ROR

I've joined the ROR circle of trust

I take care of administrative procedures for access to test and production environments.

I connect to the ROR

I run tests on the dedicated platform. After validation of my tests by the ANS, I connect my solution to the national ROR.

Successfully connecting to the national ROR

We guide you through the steps to take, the steps to take, the documentation to consult.

Consuming ORN data Feeding the ROR


The stages of the project:

  • November 2023:

    Digital services can access supply and bed capacity data with a more complete description structure and in FHIR format.

  • Mid-2024 :

    The national ROR instance is supplemented with region-specific information. Regional RORs are maintained and feed the national ROR instance with standardized information describing the offer and region-specific information.

  • Late 2025 :

    Regional RORs are replaced by the national ROR. Data are entered and disseminated directly into/from the national ROR.

Frequently asked questions

What's the difference between ROR, FINESS and RPPS?

The ROR presents information identifying structures or liberal professionals and information describing the healthcare offer.

The identification information comes from national repositories, FINESS for structures (n°FINESS, corporate name, establishment category, address...) and RPPS for healthcare professionals (n°RPPS, practice identity, marital status, profession...). FINESS describes facilities authorized to care for patients. The RPPS describes healthcare professionals who have the necessary qualifications to care for patients. The information in these repositories is registered by responsible registration authorities.

This identifying information is complemented by information describing the structure's offering, i.e. the operational activities and the techniques, equipment and resources that contribute to the realization of these activities.


What healthcare supply data are included in the national ROR?

Healthcare supply is defined as a set of care or services provided by a healthcare structure (a health facility, a medico-social facility, a city structure).

An offer is described using standardized values, known as nomenclatures, which have been defined by groups of experts at national level and validated by learned societies.

The ROR describes the healthcare offer of all the structure's units. Four main fields are used to describe a unit's offer:

  • One or more operational activities or services provided as part of the healthcare pathway (the wording of an activity refers to a set of homogeneous care actions or services). Example: neurosurgery, kidney transplants, psychiatry, specialized follow-up and rehabilitation care;
  • The reception capacity for this activity;
  • Specific equipment to carry out operational activities (example: positive pressure chamber (sterile room) for a burn unit) ;
  • The address where the offer is carried out, contacts and unit resource people to contact if necessary.

For more information, you can view the show model.

Who feeds the ROR data?

The data in the ROR comes from two different sources:

  • Some of the data in the ROR comes from national repositories

The data identifying the structures or liberal healthcare professionals described in the ROR comes from the FINESS and RPPS national repositories. These data are recorded by the responsible registration authorities.

When information is available in a national repository, it should not be re-entered locally, but fed from the national repository. This principle ensures overall consistency across the entire healthcare sector, particularly with regard to structures and professionals. Other data is entered by the establishments and services concerned.

  • The health and medico-social structures that provide healthcare services are responsible for entering their services into the ROR

As healthcare services are provided by a structure, it is the structure's manager who is responsible for describing its services in the ROR. A healthcare offer cannot be displayed in the ROR unless it has been validated by the head of the structure concerned.

What's the difference between public data and restricted ORN data?

There are three levels of accessibility for ROR data:

  • Open access concerns data identifying structures, as well as general data describing the healthcare offer.

Example: data relating to a facility's patient activity (type of public cared for, minimum and maximum age, opening hours). This data will be accessible to all healthcare professionals, as well as to the general public. The public information portal santé.fr will only display public data on health care provision from the ROR.

  • Restricted access concerns data relating to the technical aspects of care. They can only be understood by a healthcare professional (and must therefore not be distributed to the general public). Restricted access fields:
    • Specific procedures
    • Equipment
    • Specialized care
    • Resource skills
    • Capacity
  • Very restricted access concerns so-called sensitive data.

Example: data relating to bed capacity in crisis situations. This data is accessible via a specific procedure. Highly restricted data includes:

  • Certain contact data
  • Put down zone
  • Sensitive unit information

What structures can be found in the ROR?

The list of structures whose purpose is to describe their offer in the ROR is as follows:

Health establishments
Health establishments
101 Centre Hospitalier Régional (C.H.R.)
106 Centre hospitalier, ex-Local hospital
109 Private health care facility authorized as SSR
114 Army hospital
122 Obstetric, surgical and gynecologicalGynécologiques
127 Hospitalisation à Domicile
128 Etablissement de Soins Chirurgicaux
129 Etablissement de Soins Médicaux
131 Centre de Lutte Contre Cancer
141 Centre de dialyse
146 Structure d'Alternative à la dialyse en centre
156 Centre Médico-Psychologique (C.M.P.)
161 Maison de Santé pour Maladies Mentales
292 Centre Hospitalier Spécialisé lutte Maladies Mentales
355 Centre Hospitalier (C.H.)
362 Etablissement de Soins Longue Durée
365 Etablissement de Soins Pluridisciplinaire
366 Atelier Thérapeutique
412 Appartement Thérapeutique
415 Service Médico-Psychologique Régional (S.M.P.R.)
425 Centre d'Accueil Thérapeutique à temps partiel (C.A.T.T.P.)
430 Centre Postcure Malades Mentaux
444 Centre Crise Accueil Permanent
696 Groupement de coopération sanitaire de moyens
697 Groupement de coopération sanitaire - Etablissement de santé
698 Autre Etablissement Loi Hospitalière
Medico-social establishments :
Medico-Social Establishments for the ElderlyMedico-Social Establishments for the DisabledMedico-Social EstablishmentsPôle personnes âgées/personnes handicapées
202 Résidences autonomie
207 Centre de Jour pour Personnes Agées
381 Etablissement Expérimental pour Personnes Agées
500 Etablissement d'hébergement for dependent elderly people
501 EHPA receiving health insurance credits
502 EHPA not receiving health insurance credits
182 Service d'Éducation Spéciale et de Soins à Domicile
183 Institut Médico-Educatif (I.M.E.)
186 Institut Thérapeutique Éducatif et Pédagogique (I.T.E.P.)
188 Etablissement pour Enfants ou Adolescents Polyhandicapés
189 Centre Médico-Psycho-Pédagogique (C.M.P.P.)
190 Centre Action Médico-Sociale Précoce (C.A.M.S.P.)
192 Institut d'éducation motrice
194 Institut pour Déficients Visuels
195 Institut pour Déficients Auditifs
196 Institut d'Education Sensorielle Sourd/Aveugle
221 Bureau d'Aide Psychologique Universitaire (B.A.P.U.)
238 Centre d'Accueil Familial Spécialisé
377 Etablissement Expérimental pour Enfance Handicapée
390 Etablissement d'Accueil Temporaire d'Enfants Handicapés
396 Foyer Hébergement Enfants et Adolescents Handicapés
402 Jardin d'Enfants Spécialisé
198 Centre de Pré Orientation pour Handicapés
246 Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail (E.S.A.T.)
249 Centre Rééducation Professionnelle
252 Foyer Hébergement Adultes Handicapés
253 Foyer d'Accueil Polyvalent pour Adultes Handicapés
255 Maison d'Accueil Spécialisée (M.A.S.)
370 Etablissement Expérimental pour personnes Handicapées
379 Etablissement Expérimental pour Adultes Handicapés
382 Foyer de Vie pour Adultes Handicapés Foyer de vie A.H.
395 Etablissement d'Accueil Temporaire pour Adultes Handicapés
437 Foyer d'Accueil Médicalisé pour Adultes Handicapés (F.A.M.)
445 Service d'accompagnement médico-social adultes Handicapés
446 Service d'Accompagnement à la Vie Sociale (S.A.V.S.)
448 Etab. Acc. Médicalisé en tout ou partie personnes Handicapées
449 Etab. Accueil Non Médicalisé pour personnes Handicapées

209 Service Polyvalent Aide et Soins A Domicile (S.P.A.S.A.D.)
354 Service de Soins Infirmiers A Domicile (S.S.I.A.D)
460 Service d'Aide et d'Accompagnement à Domicile (S.A.A.D.)

As well as:
178 Centre d'accueil et d'accompagnement à la réduction des risques pour usagers de drogues (CAARUD)
197 Centre de soins d'accompagnement et de prévention en addictologie (CSAPA)
228 Centre planification ou éducation familiale
604 Communauté Professionnelle Territoriale de Santé (CPTS)
606 Dispositif d'appui à la coordination (DAC)
603 Maison de santé (L6223-3)

Do I need to connect to the national ROR?

The ROR presents the healthcare offer on the national territory. The term "healthcare offer" refers to data such as modes of care, fields of activity or specific care. The name and address of a facility or healthcare professional are not healthcare supply data, but identification data.

  • If your digital service meets one of the following purposes: Orientation, regulation, coordination, piloting, you can follow the consumer publisher pathway. This pathway will enable you to connect to the National ROR in order to consume healthcare supply data.
  • If you wish to transmit facility capacity data (availability of beds and places) to the National ROR, you can follow the publisher-supplier pathway. This will enable you to connect to the National ROR.

Our experts on the subject

Mathieu De Carvalho,

Agence du numérique en santé

Marie Gabrielle Rietsch,

Ministry of Health

Nicolas Willieme,

Agence du numérique en santé

G_NIUS saves you time

Tools to help you with your project.

FINESS+ regulation sheet

L'Annuaire Santé is the national reference directory containing the identification data of all professionals involved in the healthcare system.

RPPS+ regulation sheet

The RPPS is the reference sector directory used to identify professionals, natural persons, working in the health, medico-social and social sectors.