SIS Interoperability Framework (CI-SIS)

The Health Information Systems Interoperability Framework (CI-SIS) sets the rules for communicating healthcare IT.

Getting started

Information systems in the healthcare and medico-social fields must be communicative to foster cooperation between professionals as part of patient-centered (user-centered) healthcare pathways, and to assist medical decision-making.

The SIS Interoperability Framework (CI-SIS) is a set of reference documents.

The CI-SIS covers:

  • l'interopérabilité technique: transport of flows and on services guaranteeing the exchange and sharing of health data in compliance with security and confidentiality of personal health data.
  • the interoperability of business content: processing of healthcare data and its understanding by information systems based on a common language.

It is based on mature and stableinternational norms and standards, and provides perennial exchange models.

It facilitates system integration and enables healthcare players to future-proof their investments, notably by avoiding the need for each individual to specify the data to be exchanged between healthcare ISs.

In practice

Implement interoperability specifications for the healthcare or medico-social sectors. You can check your product's compliance with an interoperability specification on the Interoperability testing area of the ANS.

When ?

When you're developing a new product or an extension to an existing one.


Public Health Code - Article L1110-4

Our experts on the subject

Thierry Dart,

Agence du numérique en santé

Alain Périé,

Agence du numérique en santé

Maël Priour,

Agence du Numérique en Santé

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CGTS regulation sheet

A national public portal that distributes free semantic resources for the health-social sector.

Finding your way around technical doctrine

The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap of the digital turn.

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