Mon espace santé

Mon espace santé (MES) is the public platform enabling everyone to store and share their health data and documents in complete security, for better healthcare.

Getting started

Mon espace santé already offers all users of our healthcare system:

  • A medical file, enabling the consultation and input of documents added by the user or his/her healthcare professionals (prescriptions, hospitalization reports, biology reports, etc.), but also the input and consultation by the user of his/her medical profile (medical history, vaccinations, allergies, health measures, etc.). This module is based on the current DMP, whose history is retained for former users.
  • A secure messaging system enabling the secure exchange of information and documents (prescriptions, photos, etc.) between users and the professionals involved in their care. This module is based on the MSS, already used for exchanges between healthcare professionals.
  • A catalog of referenced services / approved by the public authorities. In phase 1, services without data synchronization will be referenced, then in phase 2, users will be able to choose to share certain health data from their space with applications useful to their health (patient portals, applications linked to connected objects, etc).

The day after tomorrow, Mon espace santé will be enhanced by two major functionalities:

  • A health diary enabling users to consolidate various events linked to their care path, as well as personalized preventive reminders (medical appointments, hospitalizations, vaccination reminders, etc.). These events can be fed by the user him/herself, as well as by appointment booking services, hospital portals and the Assurance Maladie.

Application designers: integrate the mon espace santé catalog of referenced digital services!

A guided tour from referencing to Mon espace santé

We guide you through the steps to take, the players to contact, the documentation to consult.

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Providing every user with a digital health space

LOI n° 2019-774 du 24 juillet 2019 relative à l'organisation et à la transformation du système de santé

Access the article of law n° 2019-774

How does Mon espace santé fit in with the regulatory framework for digital healthcare?

In order for my service to be referenced, in the Catalogue of Referenced Services, it must comply with the doctrine of digital health.

This doctrine is published annually and defines the common rules of security, interoperability, ethics and urbanization that apply to digital health services.

Frequently asked questions

What information does Mon espace santé contain?

The personal health data included in Mon espace de santé are as follows:

  • Medical profile data entered freely by the patient, in an unstructured format (history, allergies);
  • Health measurements (weight, height, BMI, number of steps during the day, temperature, waist circumference, heart rate, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, pain level, blood sugar, head circumference) in FHIR format (see FrObservation interoperability specification);
  • Health documents (eg: diagnostic procedure report, therapeutic procedure report, admission report...).

What is the Service Catalogue?

The Catalogue of referenced digital services is a set of services developed by private players, by public players, which can be free or paying and which will be able to appear in the Mon espace santé catalog.

Only digital solutions that fall within the field of health, well-being or maintaining autonomy are concerned.

This Catalogue of referenced digital services will reflect the richness of the sector's digital offering, in terms of the nature of the services, the public they are aimed at, and the publishers of these solutions, while guaranteeing compliance with the following criteria:

  • Criteria linked to the offering itself:
    • Health or wellness sector
    • Quality of content in line with HAS criteria
    • Economic model of the service
  • Conformity with the technical doctrine of digital health
  • Legal conformity
  • Ethical criteria

How can I benefit from referencing in the service catalog?

  • The visibility of my digital service to all citizens
  • A guarantee of trust for users, thanks to the referencing process guaranteeing compliance with the value framework of security, ethics, interoperability and urbanization
  • Subject to user consent, access to Mon espace santé data

FAQ Mon espace santé

Access the FAQ on Mon espace santé

Our experts on the subject

Claire Vigier,

Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health (DNS)

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Finding your way around technical doctrine

The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.

Access the doctrine compass

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Mon espace santé: Revolutionizing digital healthcare innovation

Mon espace santé represents an unprecedented opportunity for innovators in the healthcare sector. This secure digital service, launching in 2022, offers fertile ground for developing innovative solutions that improve patient care and care coordination.

A centralized platform for health innovation

Mon espace santé centralizes patient health data, creating a rich ecosystem for innovation. Entrepreneurs can design applications and services that integrate with this platform, offering added value to users and healthcare professionals.

Secure messaging: A new communication channel

Mon espace santé's secure messaging opens up new possibilities for innovators. It enables the development of teleconsultation, remote monitoring and therapeutic education solutions, while guaranteeing the confidentiality of exchanges between patients and healthcare professionals.

Interoperability and open standards

Mon espace santé is based on open standards, facilitating interoperability between different healthcare systems. Innovators can thus create solutions that integrate easily into the existing ecosystem, improving the fluidity of the care pathway.

Security and digital trust

Data security is at the heart of Mon espace santé. Innovators can draw on this secure infrastructure to develop solutions that comply with the most stringent health data protection standards, reinforcing user confidence.

Personalization and prevention

Mon espace santé offers fertile ground for the development of personalized prevention tools. Innovators can harness the available data to create tailor-made solutions, helping patients to better manage their day-to-day health.

Interprofessional collaboration

The platform facilitates collaboration between different healthcare players. Innovators can design tools that improve care coordination, enabling healthcare professionals to work together more effectively.

Simplified access for professionals

Thanks to the use of the CPS or e-CPS card, healthcare professionals can access Mon espace santé easily and securely. Innovators can leverage this authentication to develop solutions that integrate seamlessly into practitioners' workflows.

Future prospects

Mon espace santé continues to evolve, offering new opportunities for innovation. Entrepreneurs in the healthcare sector can anticipate these changes and develop solutions that meet the future needs of patients and healthcare professionals.

Mon espace santé represents much more than just a digital medical record. It's a dynamic platform that invites innovators to rethink digital healthcare, putting the patient at the center and facilitating collaboration between all players in the healthcare system.

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