National file of health and social establishments (FINESS)
The FINESS directory is the single, national reference directory of legal entities involved in the healthcare, medico-social and health and social professional education fields.
Getting started
The Fichier National des Établissements Sanitaires et Sociaux (FINESS) plays a crucial role as a reliable reference for regulating and steering healthcare provision, ensuring the interoperability of information with other national healthcare directories (ROR, RPPS), trigger funding for healthcare, medico-social and social establishments and assign a unique digital identity to these establishments, enabling them to access digital healthcare services.
What do we find in FINESS?
- In an exhaustive and mandatory manner, legal entities required to obtain prior authorization or approval, legal entities whose activity is subject to a prior validation procedure, as well as legal entities whose activity is legally regulated;
- Optionally, other legal entities operating in the healthcare, medico-social and social sectors who wish to benefit from electronic identification means enabling secure access to digital healthcare services.
The FINESS directory offers free access to data that is regularly updated at territorial level thanks to contributions from the Agences Régionales de Santé (ARS) and the DREETS (Directions régionales de l'économie, de l'emploi, du travail et des solidarités). It is part of the Health Directory, which groups together sector-specific reference directories of individuals and legal entities, such as the shared directory of healthcare professionals (RPPS), the ADELI directory.
In practice
Understand the finalités and contents of the FINESS directory then consultez les données and the extractions of the open access data.
When ?
When you want to verify information about a healthcare facility or populate your database, download data extractions.
You can accessextracts of datain free access from the FINESS directory and more widely from the Annuaire Santé, and download them manually.