Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP)
The Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) is the digital health record, implemented by the French health insurance scheme.
Getting started

The Dossier Médical Partagé (DMP) (shared medical record) responds to a public health challenge. By centralizing a patient's health information, the DMP strengthens collaboration between all healthcare professionals, both in town and in hospital, and facilitates patient follow-up. Its use is particularly relevant for having the right information, at the right time, wherever you are.
For healthcare professionals, it's also a guarantee of better medical care for patients. To access the DMP, healthcare professionals have two connection channels: from their DMP-compatible business software or via the WebPS DMP interface (on the website), authenticating via a CPx professional card or via a structured application server certificate (CSA).
The healthcare professional may consult the documents contained in the DMP, if authorized by the patient and according to the DMP authorization matrix. He/she can feed documents useful for the patient's care.
Some documents are subject to mandatory inclusion in the DMP by healthcare professionals: the order of April 26, 2022 issued on the basis of Article L. 1111-15 of the Public Health Code reiterates the types of documents required to be included in the DMP by healthcare establishments, and specifies the additional list of documents that must be included in DMPs by doctors and biologists from 2023 and 2024.
Beyond the feeds made by patients and/or healthcare professionals, certain documents are automatically fed into patients' DMPs, such as reimbursement histories and COVID vaccination certificates.
On the user side, the DMP has been integrated since early 2022, into the new digital health space, called Mon espace santé, created for all people affiliated to a French compulsory health insurance scheme, unless they have objected. A medical file is then automatically created for these users. For those who already had a DMP before this automatic creation, all data is retrieved in Mon espace santé.
In practice
In order to interface with the DMP, software must first be authorized by the Centre national de dépôt et d'agrément (CNDA).
The process aims to ensure that the software complies with the specifications defined in the integration guide.
- DMP Compatibility Authorization Process (CNDA)
- Guide d'intégration des LPS (Espace Industriel du GIE SESAM Vitale)
In addition, a software version compliant with the Ségur du numérique en santé is strongly recommended: Le Ségur du numérique en santé
When ?
The DMP has been integrated into Mon espace santé since 1er January 2022, and has been created automatically for all people affiliated to a French compulsory health insurance scheme, unless they have objected.
Interface with the DMP
In order to interface with the DMP under the conditions defined in the publishers' contract (DMP general conditions and special conditions), software must first be authorized by the Centre national de dépôt et d'agrément (CNDA).
The authorization process aims to ensure that software complies with the specifications defined in the business software integration guide in order to guarantee interoperability and service security.
The DMP-Compatibility can be complete (creation, feeding or consultation of the DMP) or partial. Software authorization for DMP-Compatibility is acquired following a specific process.
The DMP-Compatibility guide is designed to ensure the interoperability and security of the service.
Frequently asked questions
Access the different contents of the platform esanté-formation
Our experts on the subject
- For questions relating to DMP deployment and support:
- For questions relating to DMP-compatible equipment:
Finding your way around technical doctrine
The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.