Social and medico-social financing
In the commercialization phase, find out about sustainable financing options for your digital solution.

Good to know: One-off funding can be awarded to you via different modalities and by different players. To find out more, consult the players involved in project-phase financing.
Care provided by ESSMS (Établissements et Services Sociaux et Médico-Sociaux)
EHSMS have little budget for funding digital solutions. That's why your innovation must show a real return on investmentso that ESSMS management will consider acquiring it with its own funds.
Examples of benefits sought:
- Improving quality of life at work;
- Reducing HR costs linked to sick leave, or staff turnover.
Good to know: ARS can, however, provide assistance to ESSMS through the payment of Fonds d'intervention régional (FIR). This makes it easier for ESSMS to finance an investment than a subscription-based solution.
Covered by French health insurance
You can benefit from standard reimbursement, via the Liste des Produits et Prestations Remboursables (LPPR) and the reimbursement for telemonitoring, or via a prevailing digital PECAN reimbursement.
To do this, your solution will be doubly evaluated:
- by the Agence du numérique en santé (ANS), to check your innovation's compliance with current interoperability and security standards;
- and by the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), to rule on the relevance of the expected and rendered service of your solution.
Good to know: The lead times for this type of care are relatively long.
Coverage by the départements
In the field of disability
Technical aid solutions can be financed by the MDA/MDPH (Maison de l'autonomie/Maison départementale pour les personnes handicapées), in particular via the PCH (Prestation de Compensation du Handicap). Consult the criteria setting the tariffs for PCH elements.
Good to know: The rate at which technical aids are covered by the PCH varies between 75% and 100%, up to a limit of 13,200 euros per period of around 10 years. The departmental compensation fund existing in each MDPH can reduce the remaining cost to the beneficiary of this technical aid.
In the field of the elderly
If the aim of your project is the organization of collective actions aimed at the appropriation of your solution with a view to digital autonomy, you can try to get it funded by the départements, via the Conference des financeurs of each département, funded by the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA).
Good to know: Each département has control over the dates and criteria for calls for projects in its territory. To find out more, contact your departmental council.
User responsibility
In the field of disability
People with disabilities receive the AAH (Allocation aux adultes handicapés, around 1,000 euros/month) or the AEEH (Allocation d'éducation de l'enfant handicapé, the amount of which is highly dependent on the child's situation).
Good to know: 70% of the AAH is used to finance accommodation. The remaining 30% can be used by users to finance personal expenses, including possibly a digital solution.
In the field of the elderly
Elderly people benefit from the APA (Allocation personnalisée d'autonomie) allowing them to finance all or part of the expenses necessary to remain at home (APA à domicile) or to finance the dependency rate of the medico-social establishment in which the person is accommodated (APA en établissement). The APA à domicile can be used to finance certain technical aids (including digital technical aids).
Good to know: The amount of the APA at home depends on the person's degree of autonomy. The APA is generally used in full to finance human assistance.
Handling by other players
Other players can contribute to the reimbursement of digital solutions, including:
- Health insurance companies for their members;
- the Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l'Insertion Professionnelle des Personnes Handicapées (AGEFIPH) or the Fonds for the integration of disabled people in the civil service (FIPHFP), for the financing of solutions used in a professional context;
- the Agence nationale de l'habitat (ANAH), for the financing of technical aids linked to financed housing adaptations;
- The crowdfunding, or participatory financing, enabling you to raise funds, from investors, in the form of a loan, donation or acquisition of company shares.