Social and medico-social players at different stages of your project

Discover the players who can play a part in your projects

Picto Découverte du secteur

Discover the sector

Discover the ecosystem players likely to be involved in your entrepreneurial journey:

  • public policies for the sector, defined by the Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (DGCS) and the Délégation du numérique en santé (DNS);
  • orientations and studies by the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (CNSA), the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) and the Agence nationale d'appui à la performance des établissements sanitaires et médico-sociaux (ANAP);
  • news via the specialized press (HOSPIMEDIA, TICsanté, TICpharma, Gerontonews, APMnews, etc.).).
Picto Développement technique

Technical development

The Agence du numérique en santé (ANS) can help you better identify the reference systems and core services of the doctrine of digital health, which your solution must integrate.

The GIE SESAM-Vitale can support you in connecting your solution to the teleservices of the Assurance-Maladie, if your innovation requires it.

You must integrate the Regulations relating to the protection of personal data (RGPD), with the help, if necessary, of the Commission nationale informatique et libertés (CNIL).

Picto Conseil et orientation

Advice and guidance

You can approach:

  • the support players (consulting firms, incubators, regional economic development agencies, gas pedals, clusters, innovation centers, competitiveness clusters etc. specialized in the social and medico-social sector);
  • the French Tech;
  • one of the federations representing digital solution providers.
Picto Expérimentation et évaluation

Experimentation and evaluation

After developing a first version of your solution, you can rely on various structures to test it and evaluate its acceptability, usage, impact and medico-economic benefit.

You can be supported by:

  • Tiers-Lieux d'expérimentation en santé ;
  • Living-Lab santé autonomie ;
  • Gérontopôles.
Picto marquage CE médical

Medical CE marking

If your solution is a medical device, you must obtain a CE mark to market it.

You can then approach the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM), via its Guichet innovation et orientation (GIO), which can support you in your process of obtaining CE marking.

Good to know: the ANSM must authorize a clinical study involving the human person. It also designates notified bodies and carries out checks on marketed solutions.

Picto Financement en phase projet

Project-phase financing

You can:

  • respond to national (e.g. Bpifrance, Banque des territoires) and regional (e.g.: Regional Health Agencies, Regional Councils and their economic development agencies, Departmental Councils);
  • obtain prizes and competitions regularly launched by complementary healthcare companies, foundations and patrons ;
  • contact the Direction régionale de l'économie, de l'emploi, du travail et des solidarités (DREETS) of your region, to find out about the financial support provided by the State,
  • consult the search engine Aides-Territoires G_NIUS.
Picto Financement en phase de commercialisation

Financing in the marketing phase

In the marketing phase, you may be eligible for reimbursement by:

  • the Direction Générale à l'Offre de Soins (DGOS)and the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), by applying for an innovation package;
  • the Assurance-Maladie, by submitting to a double evaluation by the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS) and the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) ;
  • the departments, via the Conférence des financeurs of each department in the field of autonomy and via the Maisons Départementales pour les Personnes Handicapées.
Picto communication


To publicize your innovation, you can in particular turn to:

  • the federations representing the social and medico-social sector ;
  • the scholarly societies ;
  • the purchasing pools ;
  • the specialized press ;
  • the Tiers-Lieux d'expérimentation en santé.

Social and medico-social players

An overview of players in the social and medico-social sector

G_NIUS offers you an overview of the players you need to know to innovate in the social and/or medico-social sector.

The social and medico-social sector refers to activities and services aimed at promoting autonomy and preventing exclusion by organizing the care of people in vulnerable situations due to health problems, disability, dependency or social exclusion.

On G_NIUS, you can find actors classified by the type of needs you might have in your entrepreneurial journey:

Discovering the sector

To begin with, it's interesting to identify the players who govern public policy and set the broad directions to be followed in the social and medico-social sector.

In France, policies for the social and medico-social sector are defined by the Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (DGCS) and the Délégation du numérique en santé (DNS).

The Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (CNSA), the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) and the Agence d'intervention et de conseil publique attached to the Ministry of Health (ANAP) define broad guidelines and publish studies.
In particular, ANAP's mission is to support health and medico-social establishments and structures in improving their performance in all its dimensions.

The regional healthcare system is organized by regional health agencies (ars). They coordinate activities and allocate the operating budget for medical-social structures.

Technical development

Certain bodies, such as the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) and the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS), are worth consulting to ensure that the technical development of your solution complies both with current regulations and with the reference standards and core services of the doctrine of digital health.

In addition, GIE SESAM-Vitale can provide assistance in connecting your solution to Assurance-Maladie teleservices, if your project lends itself to this.

Advice and guidance

Whatever the stage of your entrepreneurial project, you can get in touch with players and professionals supporting and/or promoting start-ups such as French Care or consulting firms, incubators, gas pedals, clusters, innovation centers, competitiveness clusters etc.

Experimentation and evaluation

In the testing phase, you can approach stakeholders to assess the acceptability, use, impact and medico-economic benefit of your innovation with different audiences.
Here, the Tiers-Lieux d'expérimentation en santé, Living-Lab santé autonomie and Gérontopôles are particularly relevant and enable you to be in contact with healthcare professionals.

Medical CE marking

In the event that your innovation meets the definition of a medical device, you are obliged to hold the CE (Conformité Européenne) mark in order to market it.

The Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) has set up a Guichet innovation et orientation (GIO) (Innovation and Guidance Desk) for holders of innovative projects or ongoing development projects, which may be useful in helping you understand the steps to be taken in order to obtain CE marking.

Financing in project phase

If you're looking for financial support for your innovation project, you can contact the Direction régionale de l'économie, de l'emploi, du travail et des solidarités (DREETS) in your region, to find out about the financial support provided by the state.

In addition, certain players such as La Banque des territoires (Bpifrance) or the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) launch calls for projects that may enable you to benefit from financial aid.

There are also opportunities for one-off financial support via prizes in competitions offered by complementary health insurance companies and foundations.

Financing in the marketing phase

If you're looking for funding, you may be eligible for support from the Direction Générale de l'Offre de Soins (DGOS), the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) or the Assurance-Maladie.


In order to communicate about your solution to different audiences, you can get in touch with federations representing professionals in the social and medico-social sector, learned societies, central purchasing agencies, the specialist press or even healthcare experimentation Third-Party Sites.

For information on social and medico-social establishments and services (ESSMS or ESMS), which are structures where professionals welcome and/or accompany dependent, disabled or socially excluded publics, you can consult the G_NIUS page on social and medico-social structures.

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