FranceConnect is an identity federator.
Getting started

FranceConnect is a federator of identities made available free of charge by the French government, enabling citizens to capitalize on an existing identity (Impôts, Ameli, La Poste, Mobile Connect et moi or MSA) to identify themselves electronically to other digital services.
Using FranceConnect thus enables designers to dispense with the development of an electronic identification and/or identity verification system for their users, and to easily anticipate possible future regulations on the level of guarantee to be matched to their service (eventually, digital health services dealing with personal health data could be required to implement a substantial level of electronic identification as a minimum).
Note that the carte vitale application (ApCV) integrates FranceConnect as an identity provider, alongside other existing identity providers.
The Espace Numérique de Santé integrates electronic identification via FranceConnect since 1er January 2022.
Private digital health services are invited to apply to the ongoing experiment to implement electronic identification via FranceConnect.
For more information, see the documentation section
In practice
1. Submit a FranceConnect membership application
2. Access development and testing resources from your partner space.
3. Submit your developments for qualification to
4. You receive your production tokens.
When ?
As soon as the digital health service requires user identification or a means of connecting to a patient space.
Does this concern me?
I am affected if I am a provider of digital healthcare services, public or private, and my service involves electronic identification.
In particular, if my service involves personal health data (reimbursements, prescriptions, results, exchanges with professionals, etc.), I need to study the opportunity that implementing FranceConnect may represent for me.
Frequently asked questions
The State is currently considering regulation to require a level of guarantee on electronic identification for certain sensitive services, for example those handling personal health data.
Finally, the DGOS, the DGS and the HAS, in close collaboration with the network of regional identito-vigilants, are drawing up a national repository for identitovigilance. In particular, it is envisaged that electronic identification with an identity provider with a substantial eIDAS guarantee level can be used to validate an identity remotely, independently of the use of the INSi teleservice to retrieve or verify the INS identity (INS matricule and 5 INS traits).
Our experts on the subject
Finding your way around technical doctrine
The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.