The Digital Health Roadmap 2023-2027
Harnessing the power of digital for healthcare

The roadmap for digital healthcare 2023-2027, "Making digital work for healthcare", describes the priority projects for the next five years.
Published as part of the roadmap, the doctrine of digital health establishes the urbanization framework and describes the regulatory guidelines for players involved in the creation, development and maintenance of digital health services.
The Digital Health House represents this framework and embodies the platform-state vision, providing a concrete blueprint for the implementation of the roadmap and the coherence of digital healthcare initiatives.
Following the alarming observation made in 2019 about France's digital health lag, a collective commitment has made it possible to respond to these difficulties and result in the implementation of the 30 actions of the 2019-2022 roadmap such as INS, e-CPS or digital Segur.
The new 2023-2027 roadmap for digital healthcare led by the Délégation ministérielle au numérique en santé (DNS) in conjunction with its partners (Assurance maladie, Agence du Numérique en Santé, etc.) and healthcare ecosystem players aims to go even further. It positions digital technology at the service of healthcare and is rooted in stable cardinal values: ethics, sovereignty and sustainability.
This roadmap defines a framework for action and collaboration between public players, user representatives, healthcare professionals and structures. Structured around 4 main axes, the roadmap presents 18 key priorities and 65 specific objectives. For each objective, an entity is designated responsible for its proper implementation over time.