Ethics toolbox

The aim of the Ethics Unit is to provide an ethical framework for the development of eHealth.

Getting started

The mission of the eHealth Ethics Unit is to make ethics a central element of the digital shift in health, in particular by developing practical tools for evaluating, certifying, and raising awareness of digital tools, whether they are services for health professionals or mobile apps, especially for citizens, to be listed on the "Pro Services Package" and "Health Data Personal Space" platforms.

For example, best practice guides are being developed to encourage start-ups and publishers to integrate an ethical dimension into the design of an artificial intelligence solution for health (the principle of "ethics by design"). A self-assessment grid for the ethical dimension of professional tools (HIS and practice management software) will also be developed.

It will also be necessary to initiate a digital streamlining approach to reduce the environmental impact (in particular greenhouse gas emissions) of health information systems, with a view to committing the sponsors and stakeholders of eHealth projects to sustainable development.

In practice

Your digital tool must meet certain requirements (content, ethics and privacy) to be included in the Health Data Personal Space (ENS).

Read the ethical guidelines.

When ?

Ethical guidelines to be published Q1 2021



Our experts on the subject

Brigitte Seroussi,

Délégation ministérielle au Numérique en Santé

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Tools to help you with your project.

Finding your way around the technical framework

The technical framework describes the actions in the ministerial roadmap for the eHealth shift.

Access the Framework Compass