Pro Santé Connect
Pro Santé Connect is a federator of identity providers (IFs) based on the OpenID Connect standard.
Getting started
On connected services, Pro Santé Connect enables professionals to authenticate themselves either with their e-CPS - a smartphone app - or with their CPS (Carte de Professionnel de Santé).
Pro Santé Connect transmits to the service provider a token containing certain standard identity traits (surname, first name, gender, etc.) as well as certain sector-specific identity traits (profession, expertise, practice situation, ...) from the RPPS (Répertoire Partagé des Professionnels de Santé) so that the latter can, beyond simple electronic identification, check the reliability of the data it uses and manage all or part of its authorizations.
Most evolutions (functional, regulatory and technological) can be deployed instantly throughout the territory, without impacting the operation of connected digital services.
In practice
Services considered sensitive according to the PGSSI-S must offer authentication via Pro Santé Connect from 01/01/2023.
Request the access to the Pro Santé Connect API
When ?
The connection to PSC is an evolution like any other, it can intervene on new projects, but also on services that have been running for a long time...
In terms of lead times, we see approximately 24 to 48 hours for technical connection and an average of 2 months for functional connection
Key figures
11,3 M
of monthly authentications at peak service usage
services connected in production (January 2024)
Frequently asked questions
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Our experts on the subject
Finding your way around technical doctrine
The technical doctrine presents the actions of the ministerial roadmap for the digital shift.