Regulatory topics

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24 results in "Regulatory Issues”



The France Connect authentication system and the Carte Vitale app (ApCV) will guarantee a secure connection.





Tool for declaring the maturity of their information system compared to the target defined by the roadmap.


Soon enforceable



Cyber-surveillance is a service to diagnose and evaluate the security of the information system with regard to the Internet.





e-CPS is a means of electronic authentication for healthcare professionals.





E-prescription is about making the prescription process between the relevant professionals more digital.

Core services

Soon enforceable

Ethics toolbox

Ethics toolbox

The aim of the Ethics Unit is to provide an ethical framework for the development of eHealth.





The Health Directory is the national reference directory containing the identification data of all professionals involved in the health system.


Soon enforceable

French National eHealth ID (INS)

French National eHealth ID (INS)

The French National eHealth ID (INS) allows all stakeholders to use the same unique, permanent identity visible to the user.



General Security Policy for HIS

General Security Policy for HIS

The General Security Policy for Health Information Systems (PGSSI-S) provides a common framework for securing information systems in the health sector.


Soon enforceable



Health data hosting (HDS) must be carried out under security conditions appropriate to the data's criticality.



Health Data Hub

Health Data Hub

Facilitating access to health data for innovative projects of public interest, under high security conditions and with respect for citizens' rights.

Digital platforms


Health Terminology Management Centre (CGTS)

Health Terminology Management Centre (CGTS)

A national public portal that distributes free semantic resources for the health and social care sector.



Medical Devices

Medical Devices

A medical device (MD) is an instrument, apparatus, equipment or software intended by its manufacturer to be used in humans for purposes such as diagnosis, prevention, control, treatment, mitigation of disease or injury.



Mon Espace Santé

Mon Espace Santé

Mon Espace Santé is a personal space where users manage their health data.

Digital platforms

Soon enforceable

Overview of eHealth Regulations

As a reminder, according to the CNIL, health data is data concerning the physical or mental health of an individual, whether past, present or future. Your digital tools, connected objects, and medical devices may use, process, or store personal health data. If this is the case with your innovation, you must comply with a strict security framework to ensure the protection of patients' personal and health data. 

This part of the site compiles all regulatory issues applicable to eHealth in the form of fact sheets. All these regulatory aspects are consolidated in the ministerial roadmap to promote according to the CNIL and are classified according to their functionality: 

This includes regulations relating to secure connection services (ApCV (Carte Vitale application), e-CPS, Pro Santé Connect), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), regulations and national services relating to directories and repositories in the medical field (ROR, RPPS+,FINESS+), regulations concerning the hosting of health data (HDS), regulations concerning the French National eHealth ID (INS), the General Security Policy for Health Information Systems (PGSSI-S), regulations applicable to medical devices, and more.

The interoperability domain is composed of the Interoperability Framework for Health Information Systems (CI-SIS), which sets the rules for communicating health information, the health terminology management centre (CGTS), which distributes semantic resources for the health and social care sector free of charge, and the Multi-Terminology Server (SMT), which is the tool for disseminating and managing health terminologies.

Core services
This domain includes all the basic services such as the shared medical record (DMP), the e-Prescription, which entails making the prescription process more digital, and finally the secure messaging system for professionals and citizens (MSSanté).

Digital platforms
A package of services allows health professionals to access several services in a single place, the Health Data Hub, which facilitates access to health data for innovative general-interest projects under highly secure conditions that preserve citizens' rights, and My Health Space (MES) which is a personal space where users manage their own health data.

How can G_NIUS help me better understand regulatory issues?

The regulatory framework varies depending on the nature and purpose of your innovation project (medical device, digital application, healthcare service, etc.), on the technologies used for processing and/or storing personal data, on who its end-users are (healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions, the general public, etc.).

The National Portal for eHealth Innovation (G_NIUS), which is the result of the roadmap for digital health from the Ministerial eHealth Delegation (DNS) and is operated by the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS), is a portal for services and content designed to accelerate the digital shift through the development of harmonised, communicating, interoperable digital services. Our platform helps you to know and understand the legal framework that will govern your digital project, by offering you a toolbox containing a according to the CNIL and fact sheets, all with the aim of getting your digital eHealth tool to market faster.


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