Third-Party Experimental Healthcare Facilities (TLE)

Tiers-Lieux d'Expérimentation en santé (TLE) are consortia, generally led by healthcare structures funded as part of the "Santé numérique" Acceleration Strategy setting up programs to experiment with innovative digital solutions.

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes


  • Supported by Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier
  • Main consortium members: Fondation ARHM and Adapei 69
  • DIGIMENTALLY is an eco-design approach with the Hospices Civils de Lyon and builds on 3 already existing Third Places. This Tiers Lieu focuses on mental health by experimenting with digital solutions and services in the field of prevention, care and restoration.


  • Supported by Aésio Santé
  • Main consortium members: Aésio Santé, Mines Saint-Étienne, Gérontopole Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, ALOESS, Nouvelles Technologies - AÉSIO Santé Méditerranée
  • MedTechLab is open to healthcare and medico-social establishments and is dedicated to experimenting with digital solutions in healthcare as well as supporting Research and Development projects.


  • Supported by the HCL (Hospices Civils de Lyon)
  • Main consortium members: Pulsalys (SATT Lyon St Etienne), Minalogic, Service d'Accès aux Soins SAS 69, Lyon Biopôle
  • PLATINES focuses on emergency and unscheduled care


  • Supported by the CHU de Clermont-Ferrand
  • Main consortium members: Clermont Auvergne Innovation (Filiale de valorisation de l'Université Clermont Auvergne, Université Clermont Auvergne, Groupe VYV3 CENTICH, CareLine, GutyCare)
  • The main theme of the Tiers Lieu ishealth at home



  • Supported by the CHU de Brest
  • Main consortium members: Biotech Santé Bretagne, Technopole Brest-Iroise, Les Patients s'engagent, Innoveo, Atlanpôle Biothérapies, Images et Réseaux, Le Village by CA
  • W.INN is a meeting place for innovation in digital health. It draws on specific territorial features to build experimentation in line with facility strategy, digital and cross-functional expertise.


  • Supported by Coworkhit
  • Main consortium members: 2 innovation centers the CoWork'HIT and Biotech Santé Bretagne and 3 medical and rehabilitation care centers (SMR): the Kerpape center, the ILDYS Foundation and the Saint-Hélier Foundation.
  • INH Lab supports digital health projects addressing all types of disability and all ageson the care pathwayand can conduct experiments ranging from usability testing to clinical investigation.


  • Supported by CHU de Rennes
  • Main consortium members: Groupe Hospitalité Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve, URPS Médecins Libéraux Bretagne, Centre Hospitalier Guillaume Régnier, CPTS de la Seiche, CPTS Rennes Sud, CPTS de Brocéliande, CPTS du Pays de Redon, France Assos Santé Bretagne
  • JINNOV accelerates the deployment of digital solutions facilitating cooperation between healthcare players on a territorial scale, in order to improve patient pathways, professionals' quality of working life and support the transformation of organizations.


CARE Alsace

  • Supported by BioValley France
  • Main consortium members: BioValley France, MedUniq Center, OpenCare Lab, Hôpitaux universitaires de Strasbourg, UGECAM Alsace, CPTS Mossig-Vignoble, Maison Sport-Santé de Strasbourg, Health Factory, ANAP, France asso Santé
  • CARE Alsace aims to improve the digital take-up of all citizens, by including them in digital health innovation processes.


  • Supported by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims (CHU de Reims).
  • Main consortium members:Institut d'Intelligence Artificielle en Santé (IIAS) and PETILLANTeS, Centre Hospitalier Auban Moët Epernay, SOS Médecins France, Quest for Health, Société Kernel, Société Axon Cable, CH de Troyes.
  • PEPS constitutes a complete ecosystem for accompanying innovation projects in artificial intelligence for healthcare towards dissemination and valorization after validation by large-scale experimentation on real data.



  • Supported by the CHRU de Lille
  • Main consortium members:University of Lille, URPS Médecins Libéraux, Compagnie des Tiers-Lieu, Eurasanté
  • IN CITU aims to contribute tothe implementation of tomorrow's hospital and medicine notably through the implementation of solutions enablingthe strengthening of care coordination, as well as remote patient monitoring.


BOpEX Campus

  • Supported by: Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
  • Main consortium members: AP-HP, Medicen, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Campus BOpEX, dedicated to the operating room, is dedicated to the experimentation and co-development of digital solutions to improve thea quality and safety of care in surgery and anesthesia, the working conditions of operating room professionals, and the efficiency of organizations.


  • Brought to you by: AP-HP
  • Principal consortium members: Université Paris Cité
  • @Hôtel-Dieu, fosters the emergence of innovation projects linked to healthcare services and accelerates the testing and experimentation in real conditions of innovations at the heart of tomorrow's care models.


  • Supported by the Institut Gustave Roussy
  • Main consortium members : UNICANCER, Cancer Contributions, center Léon Bérard, CEGEDIM, ODYSSEA, CPTS de la Bièvre, CPTS OCTAV, CPTS Val de Bièvre, CRCDC Ile-de-France, DAC 94, ELSAN
  • INTERCEPTION identifies people at increased risk of cancer and offers them personalized prevention and screening in the context of a city-hospital collaboration and a largely dematerialized infrastructure.


  • Supported by UGECAM Ile-de-France
  • Main consortium members: IMT Transfert, ICAM, INES, Forum des living labs
  • UGECAM IDF aims toimprove the quality of care for patient pathways with a focus on medical and rehabilitation care.


  • Supported by : CHU Pitié Salpêtrière, APHP Sorbonne Université
  • Main consortium members: GHU APHP Centre, Université Paris Cité Hôpital HEGP, CHU de la Réunion, APHP URC Eco, Hôpital Hotel Dieu, Calydial, France Rein, Info Rein Santé, Entends-Moi, Entreautre, Skezi, Biofutur Selas
  • UNIREIN aims to co-design innovative digital solutions, test them concretely and prove their impact, analyze the user experience, measure medico-economic benefits, support market access and create a perennial network of digital health experimentation structures.


  • Supported by: GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences
  • Main consortium members: La Maison Perchée - La Poste Santé & Autonomie - GIP Sesan - Psycom - Unafam - Hôpital Paul Guiraud - PariSanté Campus - Inserm
  • MindLink is a place for hybridization, open to all, enabling everyone to share their experiences in order to co-design digital devices in mental health with users (healthcare professionals, people affected by a psychic or neurodevelopmental disorder and caregivers).

Visual impairment

  • Brought to you by: Streetlab
  • Main consortium members: Centre Hospitalier National d'Ophtalmologie des Quinze-Vingts (CHNO), VYV3 (Groupe VYV), Hôpital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild (HFAR), Association Valentin Haüy (AVH), Forum des Living Labs en Santé et en Autonomie (LLSA)
  • Déficiences Visuelles aims to offer a range ofcomplementary services, to experiment in real life and accelerate the market launch of innovative digital solutions for visually impaired people, caregivers and healthcare professionals.



  • Supported by CHU de Bordeaux
  • Main consortium members: Centre Hospitalier de la Côte Basque, Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, Université de Bordeaux, CATIE, UNITEC, Aquitaine Sciences Transfert
  • Station E-Santé aims to address three major challenges to be taken into account in the development of useful and relevant digital solutions for users' health: challenge of efficiency, challenge of usage and challenge of integration

Générations Santé Numérique (GSN)

  • Supported by CHU de Poitiers
  • Main consortium members: Université de Poitiers, CH de la Rochelle, Technopoles du Grand Poitiers (Neoloji), de la Rochelle et du Niortais (Altae) and Association Melioris (Niort).
  • GSN aims to improve the health of the most fragile populations by promoting digital health innovations aimed at these audiences and mobilizing various skills already existing locally in the field of Digital Health.


Toulouse Santé Numérique

  • Supported by CHU de Toulouse
  • Main consortium members: ASEI, Clinique Pasteur (Alliance Clinavenir)
  • Toulouse Santé Numérique enables patient support across the entire care pathway across a set of 129 establishments


  • Supported by : CHIC Castres-Mazamet
  • Consortium : CPTS Sud-Tarn, EHPAD Agir, École ISIS, Gérontopôle-CHU de Toulouse
  • RI2S (Rural Innov Santé Sénior) is dedicated to the experimentation and co-development of digital solutions for the prevention and care of seniors in rural or isolated areas.

Pays de la Loire


  • Supported by: CHU de Nantes
  • Main consortium members: Atlanpole, Nantes Université
  • LIEN Santé is focused on the anticipation of the integration of new digital solutions within a hospital of the future and open to decompartmentalized experimental fields (laboratories, hospital, primary care, data warehouse).

MOBIS: "MOBilités Intelligentes en Santé" (Intelligent Mobility in Health)

  • Supported by: CHU d'Angers
  • Main consortium members: le CHU d'Angers, 3 technopoles, the Angers Loire Métropole economic development agency, 2 competitiveness clusters whose areas of excellence fall within e-health, the Groupement Régional d'Appui au Développement de la e-Santé des Pays de la Loire, the VYV 3 Pays de la Loire-Centich group, Digital Pharma Lab and the AFM-Téléthon.
  • MOBIS is dedicated to intelligent healthcare mobility broken down into three main themes (motricity, patient pathways, healthcare territory).


  • Supported by: Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO)
  • Main consortium members: Institut Bergonié (IB), Centre hospitalier de Mont de Marsan (CH MM), Digital Medical Hub (DMH)
  • ONCO-ATLANTIQUE is 100% dedicated tocancer care and improving complex pathways: ''from biomarkers to out-of-hospital care''.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Le Quatre-Vingt

  • Supported by:Centre d'Innovation et d'Usages en Santé (CIUS)
  • Main consortium members: Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille (AP-HM), URPS Médecins Libéraux and URPS Infirmières PACA, Fédération Hospitalière de France PACA, UGECAM PACA Corse, L'APF France Handicap PACA Corse, Ligue Contre le Cancer 06, Association France Diabète 06, Aix Marseille Université (AMU), SATT Sud-Est, ARS PACA, Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur...
  • Le Quatre Vingt presents a real one-stop shop for digital health innovation project leaders. It is based on an extensive network of real-life experimentation sites, backed by a collaborative, methodical approach to analyzing needs and uses in the field.