Supported by: CHU de CAEN NORMANDIE
Main consortium members: University of CAEN, Pole Tes, Normandy HealthTech, ISEN-OUEST, Normandie Incubation, Normandie Valorisation, CPTS Caen Couronne, CAEN la Mer, Gerontopôle
The INS CAEN project aims to identify, experiment and transform, over the long term the patient pathway for the benefit of the patient, with innovative digital healthcare solutions on the Normandy territory.

The patient pathway for patient benefits in Normandy
At Caen University Hospital:
572 000
patients followed
1 742
beds and places for 67 medical-technical services
1 082
Ongoing research protocols
promotional studies
More than 650
- Experimental sites spread around Caen and the whole of Normandy
- An infrastructure project:
- A hospital being rebuilt with state-of-the-art equipment
- Maintaining current hospitalization capacity
- Adapting to the needs of an aging population
The Tiers Lieu service offering
By combining scientific expertise, testing grounds and operational support, the INS Tiers-Lieu transforms ideas into concrete solutions, tested and validated under real-life conditions.
- A unique ecosystem : INS integrates, within a single facility, the skills essential for detecting, developing and testing innovative healthcare technologies, drawing on the recognized expertise of Caen University Hospital and its partners.
- Diversified testing grounds: With sites spread across the Caen basin and the whole of Normandy, INS offers project developers the opportunity to test their solutions in urban, suburban and rural environments, for optimum adaptation to the realities on the ground.
- A simplified, high-performance approach:
- Accelerate your development thanks to rigorous scientific evaluation and a network of dedicated experts in hospital and outpatient medicine.
- Benefit from tailor-made support to design and secure your experimentation
- Train your teams and consolidate your organization to bring your innovations to market efficiently and sustainably.
- Optimized submission process: Submit your synopsis online, and get a response within 10 working days. The INS platform centralizes all the necessary information for smooth and transparent processing of your request.
Tiers lieu projects
Project 1: IVIMED
Supplier : IVIMED
Solution : IVIMED is a digital solution designed to optimize patient information and the hospital pathway, save time for doctors and reduce the cost of surgical cancellations for hospitals. It facilitates the exchange of information and documents between patient and doctor.
Need : According to the HAS, the average rate of scheduled cancellations per year and per hospital varies from 10 to 15%, causing significant financial losses. These cancellations are due to a lack of ongoing information, delayed patient preparation, a change in health status and missing documentation.
Tiers-Lieu contribution: IVIMED will benefit from the Tiers Lieu INS for coherent development, meeting the expectations of patients, doctors and hospitals. A medico-economic study on 882 patients will evaluate the reduction in the cancellation rate in the operating room thanks to IVIMED, enabling national and then international deployment. The study will take place in 18 care departments at 3 hospitals in Normandy.
Project 2: TOMO QALY
Supplier: TOMO
Solution: Tomo revolutionizes the care pathway by enabling patients to exchange securely and anonymously with patient caregivers (selected and trained) via visio, telephone or message. This improves their daily lives and compliance. Tomo aggregates feedback to identify pain points and improve practices. Tomo is aimed at hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories, patient associations, mutual insurance companies and CPTS.
Need : In France, 12 million people with chronic illnesses feel a heavy burden of loneliness. 60% would like support from associations or peers. Patient caregivers, if trained, can improve autonomy, psychosocial skills and caregiver-caregiver communication. The TOMO platform facilitates these exchanges, and its societal evaluation is necessary for eventual integration into the healthcare system.
Tiers-Lieu's contribution:
The experiment with the Tiers Lieu INS in the Normandy region will measure TOMO's impact on chronic patients' quality of life via a randomized cost-utility study. In the medium term, this will enable:
- Improve the patient verbatim analysis tool to recommend improvements to healthcare facilities;
- Use the anonymized data to develop natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and provide personalized recommendations;
- Achieve CE marking for NLP algorithms if required ;
- To have the Tomo service reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie, including paid patient partners;
- To register the service on Mon Espace Santé to make it accessible to as many users as possible;
- To measure the impacts and areas for improvement of pair-aidance to accelerate its national rollout.