Tiers-lieu OCEAN CARE
Lead partner: CHU de Martinique
Main consortium members: ARS Guyane, Tesis Grades de la Réunion/Mayotte, I-NOVA Guadeloupe
TLE presentation: Ocean Care aims to optimize ambulatory healthcare pathways, reduce post-operative complications and improve care coordination. It organizes the deployment and validation of digital solutions tailored to the needs of overseas patients, targeting priority pathologies in these regions.
Overseas regions participating in this Tiers-lieu (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyane, Réunion, Mayotte)
The Tiers Lieu service offering
- Fluidizing care through digital solutions tailored to DROMs
- Improving satisfaction for healthcare professionals and patients
- Evaluating the impact on the cost and efficiency of care
- Encouraging local innovation: creating startups and developing specific solutions
- Preparing market access : integrating solutions into reimbursement protocols
Three categories of service offerings have been identified: access to expertise by drawing on professionals from consortium members, co-development to bring innovative solutions to the fore, and real-life testing using patient cohorts from partner establishments.

Tiers-Lieu projects
Project 1: LAE
Supplier: Laé-Santé
Solution: Laé assists healthcare structures in organizing the care of their patients, particularly post-hospitalization, to ensure sustainable and secure care. It is based on algorithms that enable the customization and large-scale distribution of adapted and secure coordination frameworks
Need : Laé responds to the public health challenge of the ambulatory care pathway, made complex by the insularity of the consortium members. The needs identified relate to coordinating healthcare professionals, securing post-hospitalization follow-up, simplifying the discharge process, reducing potentially avoidable hospitalizations and optimizing existing resources.
Tiers-Lieu Contribution: OCEAN CARE enables pilot experiments to be carried out on real-life testing grounds, and thus to assess the impact of these experiments and continuously improve them through qualitative, quantitative and usage evaluations including training.
.Project 2: AVIITAM
Supplier: 4C2 SAS
Solution: Aviitam is a platform for managing care pathways and supporting patients in obesity situations, covering 3 fields of intervention: medical, surgical, pediatric.
Aviitam's ambition is to become the natural and essential tool for managing obesity treatment pathways.
Need: Obesity is a public health issue and a pathology that is very present in our territories, requiring multidisciplinary management that may include surgical interventions, medical follow-up or specific pediatric follow-up for children.
Tiers-Lieu Contribution: OCEAN CARE will enable us to test the feasibility of deploying the Aviitam solution in real-life situations, and to assess the satisfaction of patient and healthcare professional users. Data analysis from this experiment will be used to assess the solution's performance (usage, quality of life, cost, effectiveness) and ultimately to improve the platform (response times, ergonomics, educational messages...)