Tiers lieu : D4MedTech

Supported by: GIP Genopole
Main consortium members: Center Hospitalier Sud-Francilien (CHSF), Société d'Accélération de Transfert Technologique (SATT) Paris-Saclay, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Health France, Centre d'Étude et de Recherche sur l'Intensification du Traitement du Diabète (CERITD)

The Tiers-lieu D4MedTech is focused on innovative digital solutions to improve diabetes care. It facilitates the design of new products/services/courses centered on users' needs, and provides the opportunity for companies and healthcare establishments with technologically advanced solutions to be able to experiment with them in real life and disseminate them under the best conditions.

The Tiers Lieu service offering

D4MedTech offers companies and healthcare professionals an optimal experimental framework for testing and deploying new healthcare technologies on a territory-wide scale.

D4MedTech is based on an innovative care organization combining:

  • A university hospital referencing service in diabetology recognized for its expertise and numerous pilot initiatives in digital health and community care;
  • 3 "out-of-hospital" care structures and a mobile medical team providing a city-hospital link enabling the referencing of vulnerable and precarious populations (adolescents, young adults, the elderly, etc.) ;
  • A specialized "diabetic foot" unit ensuring multidisciplinary follow-up and optimized patient management (cohort of over 300 patients) ;
  • A multi-professional organization (dietician, psychologist, etc.) and medical-social services.

The Tiers-Lieu D4MedTech offers a complete support path from conception to market launch:

  • 360° audit and strategic mentoring;
  • Management and piloting of real-life field experiments(access to infrastructure and monitoring data to test the effectiveness and acceptability of digital solutions, medico-economic studies);
  • Regulatory and certification consultancy;
  • Market access strategy and purchasing policy;
  • Open innovation program.

Tiers lieu projects

Project: MFDeep

Solution provider : NeuTigers France

Solution : MFDeep is an innovative digital solution based on artificial intelligence, designed to predict fetal weight in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Relying on the continuous collection and analysis of physiological data via a connected watch, this solution makes it possible to anticipate the risk of fetal macrosomia and proactively adapt obstetric management.

Need : Gestational diabetes increases the risk of fetal macrosomia, which can lead to obstetric complications such as preterm delivery, shoulder dystocia and avoidable caesarean sections. At present, fetal weight assessment relies mainly on ultrasound scans, whose accuracy is limited. MFDeep aims to improve this prediction in a non-invasive, accessible and real-time way.

Tiers-Lieu contribution : The Tiers-Lieu D4MedTech is supporting NeuTigers in the clinical and medico-economic evaluation of MFDeep at the Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien (CHSF). This experiment includes the recruitment of a cohort of patients to validate the algorithm, compare its accuracy with conventional methods and prepare its CE marking with a view to clinical deployment.



Solution provider : PrediDIAB

Solution : PrediDIAB is a predictive test for young adults with a diabetic parent. It combines a clinical questionnaire and a genetic analysis based on a saliva test to estimate the probability and age of onset of type 2 diabetes, thus enabling personalized prevention.

Need : Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease whose incidence is rising sharply, with diagnosis often delayed. Currently, existing predictive tools offer limited discrimination and arrive too late in patients' lives. PrediDIAB aims to identify at-risk individuals at an early stage, in order to offer them appropriate prevention strategies.

Tiers-Lieu contribution : The Tiers-Lieu D4MedTech is enabling clinical testing of the PrediDIAB test, notably via the CHSF and its diabetes care network. The prospective clinical study aims to validate the test's efficacy in comparison with existing predictive tools, and to collect the data required for its CE marking, with a view to its integration into the diabetes prevention pathway.

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