Tiers lieu : Holistic
Lead partner: Hôpitaux Paris Saint Joseph - Marie Lannelongue
Main consortium members: CPTS 14e, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Centres de santé Marie Thérèse, Paris Biotech Santé, Ecole des Mines Paris -PSL
Holistic contributes to developing innovation in preventive healthcare. With a strong focus on AI, start-ups and manufacturers benefit from experts and agile fields with flexible private non-profit establishments. Its approach fosters sustainable innovations with a positive impact.

A mixed, responsive field with a service offering focused on usage assessment, new city-hospital prevention pathways, AI and social and environmental impact.
mixed structures (1 CPTS, 2 hospitals, 5 health centers)
+ de 45
Specialties represented
+ More than 1,200
City professionals
The Tiers Lieu service offering
A holistic approach to innovation in preventive healthcare
Supported by the Paris Saint-Joseph - Marie Lannelongue Hospitals, recognized for their expertise, agility and dynamism in innovation, as well as a network of healthcare experts, the Tiers-Lieu Holistic accompanies digital innovations in preventive healthcare.
With a holistic approach, it ensures that each innovation meets a proven need, integrates effectively into care pathways and adds economic, social and environmental value.
His mixed and complementary ecosystem offers a structured framework for experimentation, giving access to a variety of terrains in both city and hospital settings.
A specific service offering

Holistic offers two types of support :
1. Access to an experiment, integrating a set of services
2. Direct access to certain services, without going through an experiment
Tiers lieu projects
Project: MONKA
Supplier: Monka.care
Need: By 2030, the number of frail people and caregivers will increase by 20%, affecting almost 6 million French people.
➡️ How can we identify early on the signs of frailty and vulnerability in caregivers to avoid their exhaustion and improve their quality of life?
Solution : Monka offers a program of prevention and ongoing, proactive support, aimed at both the caregiver and the cared-for. It is a comprehensive approach, integrating medical, social and psychological dimensions to prevent caregivers' vulnerability and improve their daily lives in a sustainable way.
Tiers-Lieu's contribution:
✅ Access to experimental sites
- Emergency department: inclusion of caregivers of frail elderly people for post-emergency support and support in returning home.
- HR department: experimentation of a support system for employee caregivers in conjunction with the HR department.
✅ Coordination with field players
✅ AI: validation of algorithms
✅ Evaluation on:
- Usage: feedback on acceptability
- Impact measurement: benefits for the caregiver, the cared-for and the healthcare system
- Eco-design: measuring the ecological footprint
📍Find out more: Monka
Supplier: Appli Goutte
- Gout is the leading cause of inflammatory rheumatism in France, and its incidence continues to rise
- This disease affects 1% of the French population, and up to 14.5% of Polynesians
- 55-75% of patients do not receive the recommended disease-modifying treatment
➡️ How can we strengthen prevention and follow-up of gout sufferers to limit comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes...) and improve coordination between town and hospital?
Solution : Appli Goutte offers a complete gout management ecosystem. The system is based on personalized patient tools and a monitoring and referral platform enabling:
- Optimized monitoring of gout patients
- Facilitated coordination between general practitioners and rheumatologists
- A preventive approach to limit complications and improve management
Tiers-Lieu contribution:
✅ Access to experimental sites with a direct link between city medicine and the hospital :
- Rheumatology department at Hôpital Paris Saint-Joseph
- CPTS Paris 14ème professional network
✅ Coordination with field players
✅ Predictive AI design to anticipate patient trajectories
✅ Co-construction of a new prevention pathway
✅ Evaluation on:
- Usage: feedback on acceptability for patients, GPs and rheumatologists
- Pathways: benefit on the healthcare system
- Eco-design: measurement of ecological footprint
📍Find out more: Drop App