Digital Health Agency (ANS)


Support / Regulation

Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social care / Social / Medical Device

Intervention zone


This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector

Agence Du Numérique En Santé

What is the Agence du Numérique en Santé?

The Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS) supports the digital transformation of the healthcare system alongside all the players involved in the healthcare, social and medico-social sectors, private and public, professionals and users alike.

Access the ANS website

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector


  • Poses clear frameworks and best practices to facilitate the sharing and exchange of healthcare data (Politique générale de sécurité des systèmes d'information de santé (PGSSI-S), refèrentiels, cybersecurity support, healthcare data hosting, Annuaire Santé, CPS and e-CPS cards, operational directory of resources, interoperability framework for healthcare information systems...);
  • Co-constructs e-health projects throughout the territory with the various players in the ecosystem;
  • Leads digital projects of national interest (MSSanté, SI-Samu, Santé.fr ...).

Discover ANS on video

I have a project. How can I get in touch with ANS?

  • To understand the repositories for urbanization, security and interoperability that concern me;
  • To use the digital services offered by ANS and benefit from the test environments;
  • To obtain a label (e.g. the e-santé label for software for health centers and homes") or certification;
  • To assess my solution's compliance with e-health urbanization and interoperability principles via the Convergence tool ;
  • To provide my input during ANS-led consultation phases on reference documents that may impact my project;
  • To participate in projectathons.

To help innovative companies scale up, an experienced team dedicated to innovation is here for you(Innovation Team). It helps you identify regulatory constraints and major national projects to make your solutions available.

At what stage of my project should I contact you?

From the mock-up / prototyping phase: to identify the reference systems and services I need to use in order to anticipate their implementation and be in line with regulations and national standards.

During the development / commissioning phase: to help me integrate these regulations / services into my digital tool or service.

Does it finance projects?

Accessible resources

The resources made available by the Agence du Numérique en Santé are accessible on its website: reference documents specific to each of the digital health topics, sandboxes to test the implementation of certain services, webinars...

Practical guide

All the questions you need to ask about ANS.

Who's the right person to talk to?

Is there a charge for ANS services?

The Agence du Numérique en Santé is a public institutional player. The services and repositories it offers are accessible free of charge.

Can ANS provide individual support for my project?

Which ANS standards apply to me?

Find out the essentials on the various regulatory topics and identify the standards required by your department: Make your regulatory diagnosis nowt.

Can I take part in ANS work?

You can take part in the work of the Agence du Numérique en Santé:

  • Exchange during Webinars;
  • Share your ideas on the platform: Plateforme;
  • If you are affiliated with an industry federation (ASINHPA, FEIMA, France Digitale Health, Interop'santé,LEEM, LET, SFIL , SNITEM, Syntec Numérique, TECH IN France,...), you can use them to raise issues with the Agence du Numérique en Santé.

2-10 Rue d'Oradour sur Glane 75015 Paris