The first wave of Ségur funding is coming: How can you make your solution eligible?



The Ségur agreements on health, signed in July 2020, enshrine support for the massive, coherent development of eHealth in France, an essential condition for the transformation of the health system, within a framework of ethics, civics, and French control.

Notice to publishers on the Labelling Specification Files (DSLs) and the associated standards

€2 billion of investment will be devoted to accelerate the modernisation, interoperability, reversibility, convergence and security of health information systems, which are fundamental to the national roadmap for eHealth carried by the Ministry.
The aim of this digital component is to normalise the fluid, secure sharing of health data between the health professional and the user for better prevention and better care.

It is structured around 6 corridors: Hospitals, lab testing, radiology, outpatient, pharmacies, and social care.
For each corridor, a funding mechanism for equipping healthcare professionals and institutions with software solutions for the secure exchange and sharing of health data is being set up in order to bring information systems into compliance.

Within each corridor, funding is broken down into successive waves, with the first waves starting in the first half of 2021.
Two key documents structure each funding wave:

  • The Labelling Specification File (DSL) which describes the technical and functional requirements and specifications expected of the software
  • The call for funding document which presents the eligibility criteria and conditions for granting the funding scheme.

The Agence du Numérique en Santé will check the compliance of the software with the requirements of the Labelling Specification File and will award a label to these solutions if necessary.

Only ANS-certified solutions will be eligible for Ségur funding.

Without waiting for the official publication of the DSLs for the first wave of funding and in order to give health IS publishers the earliest possible insight into their content, the Agence du Numérique en Santé is providing the following information:

Find out more

If you have any questions, you can send a message to the following address: