Health players

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Overview of eHealth players.
As a reminder, the National Roadmap for eHealth defines a prioritised action plan for the purposes of:

  • Bolstering eHealth governance
  • Enhancing the security and interoperability of health it systems
  • Accelerating the rolling out of core digital services
  • Providing training and support to professionals on these resources
  • Supporting innovation
  • Encouraging the involvement of all stakeholders

In France, the eHealth players represent all the organisations, institutes, companies, and health professionals involved in creating or improving digital solutions and services to optimise patient care pathways. 

The main orientations of this national roadmap require a shared vision and harmonious dialogue among all these players, namely, between the various care institutions, medical professionals and developers of innovative products or services for the health sector. Doctors must be able to certify that their digital work tool(s) provide 100% security for their patients' medical and care data.
On G_NIUS, you can find the players classified by type: 

  • Institutional stakeholders : The regional health agencies (ARS), the Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM - National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products), the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS), the Agence Technique de l’information sur l’hospitalisation (ATIH), the public investment bank (bpifrance), the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), Regional Support Groups for the Development of e-Health (GRADeS), the Health Insurance Fund, etc
  • Research players : The French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA), the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria), etc.
  • Digital industry federations: The National Union of the Medical Technology Industry (Snitem), the Federation of Medical and Paramedical Outpatient Software Publishers (FEIMA), etc.
  • National or regional support actors : Competitiveness clusters, etc.
  • Healthcare federations 
  • healthcare facilities and health professionals
  • trade unions

Each of these health players is positioned in its own field: They may be involved in research, in supporting companies, in implementing data security, in prevention, in training, in regulation and enacting sanctions, etc. A number of health professionals can therefore support you throughout the development and marketing phases of your e-health project. But how do you find the right person to talk to among all these players?

Given the many unique aspects of the eHealth ecosystem, it is important to be able to understand and identify the best contacts at each stage of your project. 

How can G_NIUS help me identify the right people to support me in the development of my project?
Given the wide variety of players and professionals in the health sector, there is a risk of not being able to identify the right person to find the right information at the right time. 
G_NIUS, born of a collaboration between the Ministerial eHealth Delegation (DNS) and the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS), offers you an inventory of all the players in the field of eHealth classified by their field of intervention. Because the security rules and laws governing your project will very depending on its nature (medical device, digital application, care service, etc.), on the technologies used for processing and/or storing personal data, and on who its end-users are (healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions, the general public, etc.).

You will find all the information you need on prevention, security and eHealth ecosystem to carry out your eHealth innovation project and make your contribution to the digital revolution of the French national health system.

When searching for information on this page, a system of filters allows you to quickly identify the players who can meet the needs of your innovation department. You will find details of what they do, and when and why to contact them, as well as a practical guide with an FAQ answering the most common questions.

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