Union des Gérontopôles de France (UGF)
Type of actor
Support player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care / Social / Medical Device
Intervention zone
Regional / National

What is the Union des Gérontopôles de France?
The Union is the national coordinator of the Gérontopôles. They support and evaluate schemes in the complex field of ageing and independent living, for which they have social, scientific, economic, demographic and usage expertise. They also have a training and communication mission.
The WMU is able to federate all the expertise present in the regional Gerontopoles to:
- Strengthen "public/private" cooperation in innovation, research and training between players in research, business, users, healthcare professionals and autonomy (we are able to set up projects associating public research and innovative private players in order to strengthen the robustness of systems).
- Accelerate the development and deployment of innovations co-constructed with users and professionals in the sector.
- Enrich knowledge of uses (those for whom the device is relevant - elderly people, caregivers or care or support professionals) that better respond to societal changes and demographic transition issues, evaluate them in real-life situations and encourage their deployment.
At what stage of my project should I contact you?
From ideation to project implementation.
Does it finance projects?
Practical guide
Who's the right person to talk to?
At WMU: Océane Rivat (oceane.rivat@pole-gerontologie.fr or 03 80 37 16 23).
But also from your local Gérontopôle.
Do I have to pay for WMU services?
Can WMU support my project individually?
Yes (examples: evaluation, impact measurement, solution design support, mediation, connecting with principals).
FMU, for example, carries out impact measurement for the MARPA (Maison d'Accueil Rural pour Personnes Agées) model.
What is the added value of a mission entrusted to WMU?
Access to multidisciplinary teams, cross-disciplinary scientific expertise between Gérontopôles, knowledge of regional stakeholder networks, and national coverage are essential elements in the efficiency of our support.
7 Boulevard Rembrandt 21000 Dijon