Regional Health Agency (ARS)
Support / Financing / Regulation
Type of actor
Institutional player
Fields of intervention
Health / Social care
Intervention zone

What is an Agence Régionale de Santé?
The ARS are autonomous public establishments under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. They are responsible for the regional management of the healthcare system, in line with national guidelines and as close as possible to the needs of the population. Their action is embodied in the regional health projects (PRS), drawn up in consultation with all regional health players. They set regional healthcare ambitions and priorities.
- Piloting public health policy, which includes health monitoring and safety, defining the financing and evaluation of prevention and health promotion initiatives, and anticipating, preparing for and managing health crises, in liaison with the prefect;
- Regulating healthcare provision in the region, which aims to better meet needs and guarantee the efficiency of the healthcare system in the outpatient (city and hospital), hospital and medico-social (assistance and support for the elderly and disabled) sectors. In practical terms, regulation involves authorizing the creation of healthcare and medical-social establishments and services, monitoring their operation and allocating their resources.
- Foster the emergence of new organizations and collaborations between healthcare and medico-social professionals in the service of pathway-based medicine by funding experiments, notably within the framework of article 51.
The ARS are responsible for regional e-health policy in their region. They implement the national digital health policy at regional level with the support of a regional e-health development support group (GRADeS), to which they delegate all or part of the regional project management. ARSs support the development of core digital services (deployment of the DMP, use of secure healthcare messaging, territorial digital services for coordinating healthcare pathways, etc.) and encourage innovative experimentation in all areas of healthcare policy.
I have a project. How can contacting ARS help me?
- To identify actions deployed as part of the implementation of the regional e-health strategy (regional telehealth offering, projects in progress, regional tools deployed, healthcare priorities, etc.);
- To find a testing ground and liaise with regional delegations of federations representing healthcare and medico-social establishments, representatives of private practitioners, user representatives, etc....
- To know the regulatory framework in force and access reference documentation.

At what stage of my project should I contact you?
- From the mock-up / prototyping phase: know the e-health service offering deployed, be directed to existing healthcare innovation support schemes (e.g. DGOS calls for projects, IReSP, ANR, Conseil Régional, etc.) depending on the project's degree of maturity.
- During the development/commissioning phase: identify an experimentation field, benefit from financial support enabling the implementation of experiments in line with current thematic priorities and the schedule of calls for projects and calls for expressions of interest.
Do they finance projects?
Yes, ARS can finance experiments in response to calls for projects or calls for expressions of interest.
Regional Health Agencies (ARS)
- Agence régionale de santé Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Agence régionale de santé Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
- Agence régionale de santé Bretagne
- Agence régionale de santé Centre-Val de Loire
- Corsica Regional Health Agency page
- Grand Est Regional Health Agency page
- Guadeloupe Regional Health Agency page
- Guyana Regional Health Agency page
- Hauts-de-France Regional Health Agency page
- Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France page
- Agence régionale de santé La Réunion page
- Martinique Regional Health Agency page
- Mayotte Regional Health Agency page
- Normandy Regional Health Agency page
- Agence régionale de santé Nouvelle-Aquitaine page
- Occitanie Agence régionale de santé page
- Agence régionale de santé Pays de la Loire page
- Agence régionale de santé Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur page
Accessible resources
Consult the ARS websites (under calls for projects and applications).
Practical Guide
All the questions you need to ask about ARS.
Who's the right person to talk to?
Each ARS comprises a head office and territorial/departmental delegations. To identify the referent(s) in charge of digital health, consult the organization chart for each ARS, whose head office generally includes a department in charge of innovation, digital health and/or information systems (e.g. ARS Ile-de-France's Department of Innovation, Research and Digital Transformation, ARS PACA's E-health Department of the Information Systems Department, etc.
).The ARS also has a department in charge of digital health and information systems.Is there a charge for ARS services?
Can ARS provide individual support for my project?
Outside specific experimental frameworks (AAP, AMI, article 51, etc.) ARS cannot offer individual support to each project owner.