Banque des Territoires


Support / Financing

Type of actor

Support player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social care

Intervention zone

Regional / National

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector

Logo Banque des Territoires

What is the Banque des Territoires?

La Banque des Territoires supports all territorial players: companies, local authorities, regulated professions, social housing organizations. It supports them in carrying out their public-interest projects in digital health and ageing well by offering equity investment solutions.

Access the Banque des Territoires website

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector


La Banque des Territoires (BDT) acts as an informed long-term investor. As such, BDT offers financing solutions via minority equity stakes in companies offering innovative services in digital health and ageing well. Financing (equity and quasi-equity) is aimed at:

  • Improving access to healthcare and helping to reduce medical deserts (telemedicine).
  • Accompany the structuring of healthcare data management, exploitation and protection (data warehouses, real-life data monitoring).
  • Improve the care pathway and the city-hospital link.
  • Foster and secure the use of innovative technologies to serve caregivers, patients and healthcare facilities.
  • Promote resilient digital infrastructures to meet healthcare challenges
  • Promote the use of digital technologies for prevention.
  • Support the digital transition of healthcare and medico-social establishments.
  • Foster autonomy and home support for frail people.

In addition, the Banque des Territoires is also an operator on behalf of the state as part of France 2030. By way of example, Banque des Territoires is operator of the AAP Tiers-lieux d'expérimentation en santé.

At what stage of my project should I contact you?

The company must have already sold and generated sales (Series A).

Does it finance projects?

Yes, it's about minority investments in companies or projects in digital health and ageing well.

Practical guide

All the questions you need to ask about the Banque des Territoires.

Who's the right person to talk to?

Contact Marion Eymar, head of the Digital Health division at Banque des Territoires:

or consult regional contacts.

Do I have to pay for Banque des Territoires services?

No, on the other hand, these are classic equity and quasi-equity financing arrangements, and therefore involve taking a stake in the company's capital.

Can the Banque des Territoires provide individual support for my project?

Yes, BDT is a long-term, well-informed investor, which can be described as an active investor. As such, BDT participates as an investor in the strategic committee/board of directors of the company in which the investment took place.

72 Avenue Pierre Mendès France 75013 Paris