Tour de France 2022 of the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy

The players in the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy are coming to meet you all over France to present the digital health plans and the next actions being implemented.

France 2030

The "Digital Health" Acceleration Strategy Tour de France to meet the people who are making digital health happen in the regions.

The Tour de France aims to present the actions to the ecosystem as well as open or upcoming windows. It will provide an opportunity to meet those who are making digital health happen in the territories, with the support of local relays involved in digital health.

The objectives of the Tour de France are to:
- Inform about the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy and the various national programs related to digital health;
- Present the various current and upcoming calls for expressions of interest and calls for projects to the entire ecosystem;
- Meet, dialogue and integrate feedback from the ecosystem to adapt SASN's actions if necessary;
- Value local players in the implementation of their actions.

9 dates have been set for the Tour de France:

The stages of the Tour de France:

Carte Tour de France SASN