A look back at the Nouvelle Aquitaine stage of the SASN Tour de France
The fourth leg of the "Digital Health" Tour de France took place in Bordeaux. On March 24, the Strategy's interministerial team travelled to go and meet those who are making e-health happen in their territory.
In the 1st stage, interministerial coordination exchanged with project leaders, in the presence of regional institutional representatives and facilitators at the Cité Numérique, on the premises of the French Tech.
In a 2nd step, the delegation took part in a mini-show with six local and innovative e-health companies (DESKI, EYESOFT, SomnoEngineering, MY-MED-A, ULLO, and SimforHealth), at SimforHealth's premises.
The afternoon was dedicated to digital in mental health through various round tables, at a distance, focusing on the theme "New uses, new practices and feedback at a time of digital in mental health".
The program was as follows:
2pm: Welcoming remarks
Thierry Biais, Director, CH Charles Perrens
2:10 pm Introduction:
Frank Bellivier, Délégué Ministériel à la Santé Mentale et à la Psychiatrie
David Sainati,Coordinator of the Stratégie nationale d'accélération du numérique en santé
2:30pm - 3:40pm Roundtable 1: New uses, new practices in the digital age in mental health
What are the contributions of digital technology in mental health for the prevention, identification and management of psychological disorders? How and under what conditions can patients and families, professionals and the organization of care paths benefit?
- Marie Tournier, CH Charles Perrens
- Pierre Philip, CHU Bordeaux
- Laurence Perault, CH Laborit
- Aurélien Vautard, CH Charles Perrens
- Eric PInet, GAIA 17
- Jean-Claude Aubert, UNAFAM
Moderator: Marianne Perreau-Saussine, Délégation ministérielle à la Santé Mentale et à la Psychiatrie
3:40pm -4:50pm: Round-table 2: Feedback on the development of digital in mental health
Digital technology in mental health needs to be developed today.
Feedback from project leaders (start-ups and professionals) is rich in lessons for sparking new innovations and enabling better support from the Public Authorities. What were their experiences, the difficulties they encountered, the help they received, the lessons they learned? What is their vision for the future, and what do they expect from the public authorities?
- Nemat Jaafari, Expinnov
- Agnès Pezet, Tilt
- David Labrosse, Tricky
- Brigitte Laurent, Lilok
- Yannick Trescos, Collectif Mental Tech
- Antoine Tenière, ParisSanté Campus
Moderator: David Sainati, Délégation ministérielle au Numérique en Santé
4:50pm - 5pm Conclusion
Véronique Billaud, Director, Générale Adjointe ARS Nouvelle-Aquitaine