A look back at the Occitanie leg of the SASN Tour de France



The Tour de France de la stratégie d'accélération "Santé numérique"stopped off in Occitanie, in Nîmes and Montpellier. The tour provided an opportunity to exchange views with the ecosystem on the full range of digital health topics, in particular those covered by the strategy, but also on third-party experimentation sites, which were the subject of a dedicated round table.

Two roundtables dedicated to third-party experimental facilities in Nîmes

Starting from the observation that a lack of "testing grounds" is limiting the development of the digital health sector, the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy has launched a call for projects along these lines.


With an overall budget of 63M€, this action aims to set up and finance experimentation programs in healthcare and medico-social structures, and involving community medicine in order to validate the medico-economic benefits of services and accelerate their access to the market. The stated objective is:

  • 30 structures selected as "testing grounds" and
  • 100 solutions tested.

The call for projects has opened on February 24, 2022.

The roundtable program was as follows (Roundtable redistribution by clicking here):

Introduction and presentation of the strategy by David Sainati, interministerial strategy coordinator

Roundtable #1: focus on Occitan experiments

  • Sophie Raymon, Anne Garaix & Nadine Vigoroux, Structures 3.0 prizewinners
  • Julia Satgé, ASEI,
  • Thierry Chevallier, CHU Nîmes
  • Johan Girard, Croix Rouge Française

Roundtable #2: focus on national schemes

  • Benjamin Leroux, CNAV
  • Romain Ganneau, AG2RLM
  • Marie-Automne Thepot, CNSA,
  • Margaux de Battista, i2ml Foundation

Conclusion and presentation of the call for tiers lieux projects by Matthieu Faure, project director at DNS ((Rediffusion de la conclusion en cliquant ici).

Meetings and visits in Nîmes and Montpellier

These two days were punctuated by numerous meetings with players representing the diversity of the ecosystem, enabling rich exchanges around the strategy's actions.

  • Exchange with industrialists at the University of Nîmes

  • Tour of innovative medico-social devices with Ephad les Oliviers and the i2ml Foundation Living Lab
  • Exchange with regional players in digital health innovation (representatives of training courses, startups, institutional research project leaders and companies) at the University of Montpellier