


Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social care / Social / Medical Device

Intervention zone

Regional / National

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector

What is Bpifrance?

Present in every region, Bpifrance is a public investment bank that supports French companies by offering financing and support solutions to back their projects.

Go to the Bpifrance website

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector


  • The "financing" branch of Bpifrance finances innovative companies from their creation through non-dilutive instruments (subsidies, grants, loans and credits);
  • Bpifrance's "investment" branch accompanies innovative companiesby taking a stake in their capital through its investment funds;
  • Bpifrance Le Hub supports innovative companies invested by Bpifrance in their day-to-day operational approaches and choices, on all their growth challenges (Regulatory, Medical, HR, International, IP...).
  • Bpifrance also offers other schemes dedicated to supporting companies, such as the Incubateur Santé Numérique and the Accélérateur Industries et Technologies de Santé. Don't hesitate to ask your regional contact who will be able to guide you as best as possible towards these tools.

I have a project. How can contacting Bpifrance help me?

  • To request a non-dilutive financing solution in order to finance a stage in your creation and development;
  • To request capital and strategic support over the medium-to-long term after your creation.

At what stage of my project should I contact your organization?

  • During your company's creation / idea transformation phase: finance expenses related to conception, definition and feasibility studies for the project to be conducted;
  • During your seed phase: your company is created and you need to accelerate the development of your innovative project;
  • When preparing your commercial launch: you've completed your first proofs of concept and want to accelerate your commercial launch: pilot installations, intellectual property, regulatory, clinical trials, recruitment ...

Does it finance projects?


Accessible resources

  • Equity and quasi-equity ;
  • Financing;
  • Network (partner funds, ecosystem);

Practical guide

All the questions you need to know about Bpifrance.

Who's the right person to talk to?

To identify the product(s) best suited to your situation and receive guidance on how to proceed, contact the Innovation Delegate at the Bpifrance regional office in your area:
Bpifrance contact form

To discuss a possible equity investment in your company by Bpifrance:
Investment team of Fonds Patient Autonome, a fund dedicated to digital healthcare:so-yeon.koo@bpifrance.fr ; josephine.marie@bpifrance.fr ; jb.lesne@bpifrance.fr

Do I have to pay for Bpifrance services?

No. Bpifrance is a financing organization (non-dilutive and dilutive) deciding to finance the most promising projects and teams after analyzing files


Can your organization support my project individually?

Yes, an account manager or investment officer will be in charge of following up your case
. Bpifrance contact form

8 Boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris

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