Join Bpifrance's Digital Health Community



The Community brings together different players in Digital Health in France: principals (healthcare institutions, mutual insurance companies, pharmaceutical and medical device laboratories, digital transformation & big data companies), healthcare professionals, patient associations and start-ups.

Each participant supports the acceleration of the development of innovative digital health solutions and contributes more broadly to the transformation of the healthcare system of the global subject

Join Bpifrance's Digital Health Community

In 2020, Bpifrance launched a scheme to accelerate the scaling up of digital healthcare startups to contribute to the transformation of the French healthcare system and thus better meet the needs of patients and caregivers.

This scheme includes the creation of a Digital Health Community bringing together key and "operating" players in the sector, and acts to drive collaborative projects including startups.
The aim of the Community is to unite all players in the sector around concrete initiatives, thought out and launched together.
The 1st level of participation is a collaborative group on the LinkedIn platform enabling:

  • Facilitate interaction between players
  • Foster co-construction and commercial partnerships
  • Identify common grounds for innovation with other members and launch collaborative projects

Once innovation terrains have been identified, a collaborative project can be set up between several members. Several collaborative projects have been launched, including one between Vivalto Santé and Harmonie Mutuelle focusing on supportive care in oncology.