Launch of a "Santé Numérique en Chirurgie" call for expressions of interest - ARS IDF



The AMI aims to promote the development of digital health tools in the field of surgery, putting patients at the center of innovation. The aim is to promote access for the people of Ile-de-France to innovations that enable them to play an active role in the entire surgical pathway and improve care.

Background to the call for projects

The French government has launched the "Innovation Santé 2030" plan to put France at the forefront of healthcare innovation in Europe. With a budget of 718 million euros, digital health is a key part of the plan, fostering the emergence of innovative solutions and improving healthcare through technology. Agence Régionale de Santé Île-de-France is also putting innovation at the heart of its strategy to improve patient care.

In this spirit, a call for expressions of interest is being launched to promote the development of digital tools in the field of surgery, with an emphasis on the concept of the "connected patient". This call for expressions of interest is the first step in a series of actions planned by ARS Île-de-France to support the integration of digital technology in the service of surgery.

Objectives of the call

The aim is to identify and map innovative digital tools that can be used to:

  • Improve the safety of surgical management of patients, guaranteeing quality, follow-up, evaluation and communication.
  • Facilitate exchanges between patients and surgical teams in surgical management, particularly in the case of outpatient surgery where hospital stays are short.

To whom is this call addressed?

This call for expressions of interest is aimed at companies specializing in the field of digital health, whatever their size. The project can be led by a single company or a consortium identifying a "lead" company representing the partners. The solution presented must already have a proof of concept (POC) and must be at least stage 5 of deployment according to TRL (Technology Readiness Level)



  • Response from candidates to the call for expressions of interest by: September 22, 2023, 2 pm
  • Selection and notification of successful teams: during October-November 2023
  • Presentation seminar for selected projects: Q4 2023

Application requirements

Application requirements for candidates are as follows:

  • Develop digital healthcare solutions that meet the needs of healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Ensure that the proposed project complies with current regulations concerning medical devices and personal data protection.
  • Collaborate with ARS Île-de-France for the subsequent deployment of selected solutions.
  • Participate in follow-up meetings, progress updates with ARS Île-de-France and specific webinars.

Consult the page web of the Agency dedicated to this AMI, as well as the démarche simplifiée required to apply.