Call for research projects led by paramedical professionals in Ile-de-France



Care research is one of the components of health research carried out by paramedical professionals (as defined by Book III of the Public Health Code: Nurses, physical therapists, chiropodists, occupational therapists, psychomotor therapists, speech therapists, etc.). It aims at the production of scientific knowledge by paramedical professionals in their decision-making or practice, whether in hospitals, primary care or in any other place of practice.

With the financial support of the Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Île-de-France, the GIRCI IDF will support the development of research carried out by paramedical professionals in order to boost and professionalise their involvement in healthcare research.

Two components to combine the emergence of a local research culture and the development of larger-scale projects involving multiple health care facilities or institutions

The APRESO call for research projects in healthcare is aimed at all paramedical professionals working in Ile-de-France in healthcare facilities, multi-professional healthcare complexes (MSPs), healthcare centres (CDSs and Pôles de santé), medical practices, schools and universities, research units, territorial professional healthcare communities (CPTSs) or healthcare networks, regardless of whether they are employees or in private practice.

The maximum total amount allocated to this CFP is €450,000 divided into two components:
‘Emergence" component (€150,000):
Projects designed to get started and become familiar with research methodology by constructing projects that will serve as a driver for more ambitious projects and for the development of a local culture of research in care
Projects can be pilot studies (feasibility and acceptability). These may be qualitative, quantitative or mixed studies.
The maximum duration of each project is 24 months.
The maximum amount allocated per project is €25,000.

"Convergence" component (€300,000):
The projects are larger-scale studies, involving at least two separate institutions or structures, at least one of which must be a non-university institution or structure.
The maximum duration of each project is 36 months.
The maximum amount allocated per project is €100,000.

Research fields

All aspects of applied health research are targeted, both interventional and observational research, of a quantitative, qualitative or mixed nature, with a focus on issues relating to the improvement of the practices of medical auxiliaries and in particular care strategies, care standards, innovative care methods as well as the organisation of care and patient experiences.
Projects for the evaluation of digital tools including telehealth solutions, mobile apps and health "serious games" are eligible as long as they are MDs or other projects that have reached a stage of maturity, proven functioning and safety, and have CE marking.

How do you submit a project?

The region's paramedical professionals and care teams have until 30 April 2021 to submit an application.

For each component and each phase, the documents must be sent in electronic format to the following address:

All the documents of the CFP as well as the instructions and the timetable for submitting projects are available on he GIRCI website