Core services
Exchange services
MS Santé
If your solution provides for exchanges of healthcare data between professionals, it must integrate a Messagerie Sécurisée de Santé.
Learn more about MS Santé.
ViaTrajectoire (VT) is the national core service for orienting people in the healthcare and medico-social sectors. If your solution manages data aimed at referral to a downstream facility, it is necessary to connect to VT.
Learn more about ViaTrajectoire.
Digital prescription
If your solution enables the prescription of drugs, examinations or procedures, you will eventually need to implement digital prescription, or e-prescription, which involves dematerializing the prescription circuit between prescribing professionals, prescribed professionals and supported persons.
Learn more about e-prescription.
Health care services
Any digital solution can use the data contained in the Référentiel national de description de l'Offre et des Ressources sanitaires, médico-sociales et sociales (ROR). Learn more about the ROR.
Identity services
Identité Nationale de Santé (INS)
You must affix the user's National Health Identity (INS) to any health data produced by your solution to facilitate the exchange and sharing of this data between professionals.
The new INS requirements will be accessible in the referencing specification files (DSR) intended for publishers as part of wave 2 of the Ségur du numérique en santé.
Learn more about INS.
Pro Santé Connect
To connect to digital solutions, healthcare professionals can now identify themselves electronically from Pro Santé Connect. Pro Santé Connect today provides 2 types of authentication, which give the same rights as the CPx card:
-authentication via CPx cards,
eCPS authentication (mobile application).
Thus, your solution must offer these connection methods.
By providing this service, you will have access to a platform containing anonymized usage statistics specific to your solution.
Learn more about Pro Santé Connect.
Industriel Santé Connect (ISC) / Répertoire des entreprises du numérique en santé (RENS)
The identity provider Industriels Santé Connect simplifies the path for digital health companies (ENS) to referencing and certifying their solutions. It offers a unique electronic identification for employees, valid with all connected services, such as the Portail Industriel, Convergence, Ecoscore, the Observatoire de la e-santé, the Plateforme Statistiques Pro Santé Connect, the MSSanté repository compliance test tool and the Gazelle interoperability test space.At the same time, public-sector players in the digital health sector are developing a common Directory (RENS) shared by GIE SESAM-Vitale, CNDA and ANS, as well as HAS and ATIH.In line with the "Tell us once" approach to simplification, this RENS will bring together information on ENSs, their employees and, in time, their software, and will enable the single registration of an ENS wishing to consume one or more services offered by one of these public bodies.
Learn more about the ISC.