My roadmap My espace santé
I would like my solution to be referenced in the Mon espace santé catalog of services.
The referencing process and registration tools are available.
Preparatory phase
Find out what you need to do and who you need to contact to prepare for referencing. Find time-saving tips and tricks.
Referencing phase
Find out more about all the steps involved in applying for referencing of your digital solution. The technical stage does not apply to solutions that do not exchange data and documents with Mon espace santé.
Ready to launch Mon espace santé?
Our time-saving tips
Getting to grips with the HL7® FHIR® standard
- HL7® FHIR® is the latest interoperability standard for the healthcare sector. It's a standard that's designed to be quick and easy to implement. It offers:
- On the one hand, a catalog of resources, objects representing actors or concepts in the domain. For example: the Patient resource represents a patient, Appointment represents an appointment, Observation a health measure...
- And on the other hand, exchange methods for these resources based on the latest web technologies and in particular a REST API
- Start browsing the standard specification at
Getting to grips with the interoperability framework
- The interoperability framework for healthcare information systems, or CI-SIS, sets the rules for communicating medical informatics. It consists of a set of functional and technical specifications, based on international standards, with the aim of facilitating communication and information sharing in the healthcare and medicosocial fields.
- Some components of the interoperability framework apply in the use cases of feeding or consuming Mon Espace Santé resources, notably the Shared agenda management component, the Sharing health documents on the move component or the business layer components that specify the structured format of shareable health documents in the DMP (Dossier Médical Partagé).
- Start browsing the interoperability framework components on
What the referencing process is and isn't
- This is a process to ensure that candidate digital tools align with technical requirements and industry best practices .
- But it's not a process of labeling or certification, nor an assessment of candidate digital tools' compliance with all applicable regulations (e.g. RGPD), nor the evaluation of medical relevance
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