A look back at the 1-year anniversary of the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy and the 2-year anniversary of the "guichet national de l'innovation du numérique en santé" (national digital health innovation desk).
With the participation of :
- François BRAUN, Minister of Health and Prevention
- Sylvie RETAILLEAU, Minister for Higher Education and Research,
- Saila RINNE, Head of Sector for policy in the unit "eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing", European Commission
- Raphaël BEAUFRET, Co-responsible for Digital Health, Ministry of Health and Prevention
- David SAINATI, Interministerial coordinator of the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy, Ministry of Health and Prevention
Let's innovate together in digital healthcare thanks to the "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy (hereinafter SASN) and the guichet national de l'innovation du numérique en santé (hereinafter G_NIUS).

Innovators in digital healthcare need to be supported in their understanding of regulations and in carrying out their financing or marquage CE procedures. G_NIUS supports and facilitates this ambition.
It is also the reference point for the SASN, an ambitious government plan, which is part of the "Innovation Santé 2030" initiative. Digital health is one of France 2030's key sectors of the future.
The "Santé numérique" acceleration strategy has taken up a triple challenge:
- Associate the digital healthcare ecosystem with a broad consultation of its players.
- Accompany project leaders rapidly, thanks to 9 schemes, which have financed 61 winners to date, for a total committed amount of nearly 150 million euros.
- Engage these actions in a multi-year, systemic approach.
The event on November 21, 2022, in Lyon is an opportunity to celebrate together the successes of SASN and G_NIUS, following on from that of Station F in Paris on October 18, 2021.
Key figures for the event
an Acceleration Strategy "Digital Health"
years of G_NIUS
Participants: 300 in Lyon & 200 remotely
members of winning projects including 8 exhibitors
358 000
pages viewed on G_NIUS since its opening
of repeat visitors
actions launched on 35
M€ committed at 21/11
candidates for the AAP AMI in digital health
.What digital healthcare players are saying about SASN":
Ambassador France 2030
"Much more ambitious, much more decompartmentalized, much better financed than anything decided on digital healthcare to date. A major building block of France Santé 2030, to prepare the future of our healthcare system and the ecosystem of digital healthcare companies."

Director, Agence de l'Innovation en Santé
"Reducing delays in access to innovations, freeing up constraints, connecting players around patients: the ambition carried by the acceleration strategy since its launch is decisive for the future of our healthcare system."

Director, Agence du Numérique en Santé
"This initiative to bring an acceleration of innovation in "Digital Health" in a concrete, transparent and collaborative way really seems to me to make France a leader in digital health, the ANS contributes actively to the spread of this culture of reasoned and ethical innovation in the service of caregivers and the health of all and we are very proud of it to participate in this ambitious program."

General Manager, PariSanté Campus
Prof. Antoine TESNIERE
"The "Santé Numérique" acceleration strategy is a unique opportunity to respond jointly to the challenges of transforming our healthcare system, and to the difficulties that were noted during the Covid crisis. It demonstrates the State's ambition in this area, and makes it possible to show that digital solutions perfectly meet the challenges of running our healthcare system"

What's new in the "Digital Health" acceleration strategy?
- Announcement of the 16 winning consortia from waves 1 and 2 of the "Compétences et métiers d'avenir" call for expressions of interest, for a total of 36 million euros in aid.
- An increase of 48.4 million euros in the SASN budget earmarked for training in digital healthcare uses. In particular, the budget will enable 80% of learners in medical, paramedical and social training courses to be trained in these skills, i.e. a total of 100,000 learners per year.
- Launch of the "Santé numérique" Priority Research Program and Equipment (PEPR). Co-piloted by INSERM and INRIA, it is endowed with 60 million euros, to structure research players and help disruptive technologies emerge over the next five to ten years.
- Announcement of the first 10 winners of the "Tiers lieux d'expérimentation" call for projects to support innovation in digital healthcare with and for users.
- 15 first winners of the call for projects "Evaluation of the medical and/or economic benefit of digital or artificial intelligence-based medical devices", which has a budget of 20 million euros per year and is operated by Bpifrance. These projects support digital healthcare companies in assessing the clinical value of their innovations.
- Launch of a new €90 million call for projects dedicated to innovation in medical imaging to support the structuring of a French industry developing new image processing equipment and software for more accurate, earlier diagnoses and less invasive procedures.
5 thematic workshops punctuated the day:

Advance care of digital medical devices in France and Europe, state of play and outlook
In Europe, several countries have begun to set up reimbursement access schemes for digital solutions. In France, a transitional and temporary scheme currently being set up will ensure rapid access to innovation, while requiring companies to provide the data needed to evaluate their take-up. The aim of this workshop is to present an overview of these initiatives, including work on European harmonization, as well as feedback on market access from several entrepreneurs.
- Louisa STÜWE & Aymeric PERCHANT, Ministry of Health and Prevention, moderators;
- Thomas BERTINOTTI, Thérapixel; Cécile CHARLE-MAACHI, myDiabby; Corinne COLLIGNON, Haute Autorité de Santé; Jérôme FABIANO, EIT HEALTH France; François VONTHRON, Mila, witnesses.

My health space, succeeding in my referencing to the service catalog
Presentation of Mon Espace Santé, existing functionalities and the service catalog (uses, targets and pathways). This workshop should enable entrepreneurs to better understand the referencing procedure based in particular on two companies that have obtained referencing.
- Jean-Marc CHEVILLEY, Ministry of Health and Prevention, moderator;
- Nicolas BINAND, Exolis; Magaly ROHE, Libheros, witnesses.

AMI Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir, winners' workshop
Presentations of the global approach to digital health training jointly led by the ministries in charge of higher education and health, the winners of the first two AMI CMA rounds and training partners.
This workshop was an opportunity to initiate the working groups of the AMI CMA winners, in order to share best practices and think together about how to teach digital health to health and care professionals and digital experts.
- François COURAUD, Ministry of Higher Education and Research; Matthieu FAURE, Ministry of Health and Prevention, moderators.

Addressing the regulatory challenges of medical devices
Developing and producing tomorrow's innovative medical devices is the challenge addressed by the €400 million DM plan, which is part of the France 2030 plan. The plan focuses on 4 areas: innovation, demonstration, market access and industrialization. During this workshop, the DM counter will be presented, along with the experiences of entrepreneurs in their regulatory procedures.
- Vincent CRIQUEBEC, Bpifrance; Aymeric PERCHANT, Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention; Roxane SPINARDI, Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté Industrielle et Numérique, moderators;
- Karine BONENFANT, Stratégiqual; Matthieu LE PRADO, Mag4Health; Dorothée URIET, Braintale.

What are the solutions for finding a business model and funding at regional, national and European level?
The G_NIUS workshop addressed the issue of funding for digital healthcare solutions, from the angle of the financial aid that entrepreneurs can claim at regional, national or European level, as well as the ways in which they are covered by the Assurance Maladie. The workshop provided an opportunity to go back over the France 2030 calls for projects and AMIs that have been opened, and how they apply to the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region, as well as the assistance and support available on a European scale.
How does G_NIUS support entrepreneurs in these areas? By building online services hand-in-hand with its institutional partners and entrepreneurs: Obtaining financial assistance, Obtaining financial assistance, Lauréats, Décrypter la e-santé à l'étrangerare examples, presented during the workshop.
- Laetitia Deacken, G_NIUS project team
- Julien Plagnes, G_NIUS project team
- Laurie Soffiati, Head of Telehealth and Digital Innovation Department (Assurance Maladie)
- Anne Le BARS, Health & Innovation Project Manager, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Relance
- Saila RINNE, Head of Sector for policy in the unit "eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing" European Commission
- Jerome Fabiano, External Stakeholders Relations Lead, EIT Health France
- Louisa Stuwe, Project director - Ministerial eHealth delegation - French Ministry of Health
Download the workshop materials:
The prizewinners contributed to the day's activities with a mini exhibition featuring presentations of 8 projects by prizewinners:
Diagnostics with AI
- VitaDX international (VisioCyt 3D project): on urology oncology anatomopathology;
- Therapixel (Aurelia project): on oncology (breast cancer);
- Milvue (DAISI project): on rapid therapeutic guidance for intracranial aneurysm management;
- Abys Medical (Judet 4.0 project): on cloud computing.
Therapeutics/personalized medicine
- Exactcure (OncoTwin project):on digital twins and personalized medicine in oncology and chemotherapy;
- Tilak healtcare (REMODYME project):on personalized follow-up, remote monitoring, in the context of macular edema (ophthalmology).
Patient care evaluation & improvement platform
- Philips (SPECIALS project with Incepto, AP-HP and HCL ): on PACS platform & AI algorithm evaluation in real conditions with medical imaging;
- Withings (project @Hôtel-Dieu carrier Lifen with Nouveal e-santé, Withings, Implicity, Nabla, Digital Medical Hub, BioLabs, AP-HP and Université Paris-Cité): on the open AP-HP platform & connected objects for improved patient care.
Pitching during the plenary session with 4 winners:
- Maurice Hayot, ESNbyUM Laureate, Montpellier University:
The University of Montpellier is proposing to create, with its partners, a school of excellence: the "Digital Health School of the University of Montpellier - ESNbyUM". Strongly supported by the Occitanie region, the ESNbyUM will be the foundation of the region's Pôle d'Excellence en Santé Numérique, working in synergy with all players in the field - academics, healthcare and medical-social establishments, companies and local authorities. ESNbyUM will thus be an innovative interdisciplinary, interprofessional and inclusive model, open to the worlds of healthcare, research and business, and based on the original concept of "precision pedagogy".
- Corneliu MALCIU, OncoLab Laureate, Arkhn:
The project aims to make oncology data from healthcare institutions accessible for research and innovation. Stored data will be standardized, structured, and studied in a synchronized way thanks to multi-modal interoperability reference architectures.
- Nicolas Castoldi, Executive Director of the @Hôtel-Dieu initiative at AP-HP:
The @Hôtel-Dieu Plateforme Project is a new kind of project and partnership between five French start-ups - Lifen, Implicity, Nabla, Nouveal and Withings - Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris and Université Paris Cité, who will develop, hand in hand, within 3 years a universal remote patient monitoring platform. The project has been awarded €17 million in state funding, managed by Bpifrance as part of the future investment program. Operational work, from clinical studies to the platform's technical base, has already begun.
- Dr Maximilien Autheman, DiPRU project winner, Resilience company & Pr Jean-Christophe BERNHARD, PU-PH, CHU Bordeaux:
The DiPRU project assesses the economic and medical interest of By relying on the French Network UroConnect medical device for perioperative support in urology. Based on the French Kidney Cancer Research Network UroCCR, the impact of UroConnect digitalized coordination of renal surgery pathways will be studied, integrating patient, caregiver and societal perspectives.
Winners honored:
On the occasion of SASN's 1-year anniversary, 61 entities are now winners of 6 calls for projects or calls for expressions of interest under SASN:
- Appel à projets Concours i-Nov, santé numérique : this competition of excellence is dedicated to innovative single-partner projects led by startups and SMEs and leading to the accelerated emergence of leading companies in their field that can aspire in particular to global scale;
- i-Démo, santé numérique call for projects: it aims to develop industrial and service companies in growth markets, creating value and competitiveness for our economy and contributing to energy, ecological and digital transitions;
- Call for third-party experimentation projects : it is designed to fund third-party places to address the lack of experimentation sites for the digital health sector;
- Appel à manifestation d'intérêt "Santé numérique": a call for expressions of interest that was a precursor to the strategy, it provided input for the construction of the strategy and helped identify the players involved and gather their project proposals on French territory;
- Appel à manifestation d'intérêt "Compétences et Métiers d'avenir" : it aims to set up digital health modules in initial training courses and increase the number of specialists.
There is great diversity among the winners, who can be either companies (SMEs, ETIs, multinationals), research institutes, teaching institutes (universities, schools,...), or hospital centers. Projects can be carried out as part of a consortium or as a single partner.
1 year SASN and 2 years G_NIUS: Replay of the day

1 year SASN and 2 years G_NIUS: Replay of the day