Learn about the French Healthcare Association's "Export Market Access" seminars



The French Healthcare Association offers pragmatic solutions to help exporters of healthcare products overcome regulatory obstacles.

Get practical, actionable information on regulatory, registration, pricing and reimbursement issues in specific countries.

As part of its mission to support companies in their export development, the French Healthcare Association is announcing the creation of a new working group on market access, thereby strengthening the services offered to members by proposing practical, actionable content targeted at key countries.

The seminars will be divided into three parts and will address regulatory, licensing, pricing, reimbursement and distribution issues. Moderated by local players, key observers, and specialists in regulatory issues. These seminars aim to give members of the association the information they will need to approach new markets, as well as tools, resources, contacts and the opportunity to benefit from the feedback of other members who have had previous experience in the area.

The 3 parts of these seminars will be held over a three-month period and will proceed as follows:

  • 1st session: Clarifying the export zone

Webinar presentation of the export zone's ecosystem, market, opportunities, public health plans, and any other relevant factors. Introductions to the main steps necessary for exporting there, by country specialists and health product approval.

  • 2nd session: Support for knowledge

Practical guidance and presentation of available tools and resources. Targeted technical question-and-answer session.

  • 3rd session: Feedback and actionable advice

In a friendly format, members will be able to benefit from the feedback of other members and consolidate a group in order to extend exchanges, share experiences, pool their approaches, and open up mentoring opportunities.

This working group has been initiated under the responsibility of an advance committee comprising Sanofi, Servier, Thuasne, LEEM and SNITEM. It will be led by Pierre Savart. Access to these seminars is restricted to French Healthcare Association members.

Contact: elisabeth.arnaud@frenchhealthcare-association.fr

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