France 2030: publication of call for projects to build and consolidate hospital health data warehouses



As part of France 2030, François Braun, Minister for Health and Prevention, and Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, together with Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment, in charge of France 2030, announce, the publication of the call for projects "Accompanying and supporting the constitution of hospital health data warehouses", endowed with 50 million euros and developed by the Ministry of Health and Prevention and its interministerial partners.

National support

France has considerable assets when it comes to healthcare data, whether it's the large medico-administrative database of the Assurance maladie or the large research cohorts, or even the momentum currently seen in the deployment of hospital healthcare data warehouses.

To help address these challenges, national support is being launched to strengthen and build a network of hospital health data warehouses covering the national territory. This distributed and subsidiary mesh, will be articulated with the Health Data Hub and subject to national governance of health data, placed under the responsibility of the Ministry of Health and Prevention.

These health data warehouses will make it possible to multiply the analysis of massive health data via research and innovation projects of excellence and to bring:

  • Medical and scientific advances for the benefit of French people's health,
  • The development of personalized medicine,
  • The emergence of knowledge in epidemiology, public health, healthcare system performance and quality of care, etc.

When to apply?

Applications can be submitted from the date of publication of the call for projects. They will be collected on the following dates:

  • October 11, 2022 at 12:00 pm (noon Paris time)
  • April 12, 2023 at 12:00 pm (noon Paris time)

Subject to publication in the Journal Officiel of the Prime Minister's order approving these specifications.

François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention, welcomes the implementation of this call for projects. "The massive and unprecedented funding of hospital health data warehouses will make it possible to initiate the construction of an ambitious network and exploit its research potential, eagerly awaited by the public and private ecosystem, for the benefit of patients and the healthcare system."

Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry, hails the momentum created by this call for projects.
"Access to certain healthcare datasets is crucial for R&D and the competitiveness of healthcare industries. Hospital data warehouses should help catalyze the innovation developed by our companies, in order to improve the quality of care and support for patients."

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Submit your application file on the Bpifrance extranet platform

Submit your application file on the Bpifrance extranet platform