Call for "Third-Party Experimentation" projects now open
Financing Third-Party Experimentation Sites to address the lack of experimentation sites in the digital healthcare sector.
As part of France 2030, the "Santé Numérique" acceleration strategy aims to make France a leader in digital healthcare innovation thanks to these investments.
The actions supported by this acceleration strategy aim to foster the emergence of innovative solutions, based on multidisciplinary scientific approaches and ambitious medico-economic models, to conquer the rapidly growing e-health market worldwide.
This call for projects is part of a multi-annual 2022-2027 perspective. The overall program is endowed with 63M€, spread over the five years covered by the call for projects (2023-2027).
It aims to fund Third-Party Experimentation Sites for new digital solutions. This action comes in response to the lack of experimentation grounds, an identified limitation to the development of the digital healthcare sector. Up to 35 Tiers-Lieux d'Expérimentation will be selected between 2022 and 2024.
These Tiers-Lieux d'Expérimentation will be funded for:
- Associate professionals and people concerned in the co-design of solutions;
- Test the use of new digital healthcare services in real life and benefit from user feedback (impact, acceptability, ergonomics, etc.);
- Measure the medico-economic benefits of the solutions tested;
- Accompany the deployment and market access of solutions that have proven their impact;
- Conduct user needs studies;
- Create a perennial network of experimentation structures in the healthcare sector.
Tiers-Lieux d'Expérimentation selected by this AAP will have access to two financial envelopes:
- An envelope dedicated to running the Experimentation Third-Place;
- A specific envelope enabling them to co-finance the experimentation of digital solutions.
More than 100 experiments are targeted by 2027.