ARS Ile de France launches a call for innovation projects



The ARS IDF is launching a call for projects to support organizational innovations based on a technological or digital solution in Ile-de-France, which contribute to improving the working conditions of healthcare professionals and/or the care of patients and users of the healthcare system.

Background to the call for projects

The ARS Ile-de-France wishes to "promote access for all Ile-de-France residents to innovations that significantly improve their care, as close to home as possible."

The projects sought must respond to regional strategic orientations such as enabling:

  • To reinforce patients' access to a healthcare pathway (around prevention and care);
  • To overcome a difficulty in accessing care;
  • To enable healthcare professionals to implement new organizations or innovative practices;
  • To facilitate the coordination of players and inter-professional cooperation (delegation of tasks according to protocols validated by the HAS...);
  • To promote training (e.g. simulation, etc.) ;
  • To involve the patient / user / caregiver (patient experience) ;
  • Or, more broadly, to innovate in the territories by leveraging technological or digital tools in line with the digital roadmap, and consistent with the orientations of the ARS IDF Regional Health Project.


The implementation of selected projects will last a maximum of two years from the signing of the funding agreement.

  • Response to the call for projects by: September 19, 2022, 2 p.m.
  • Selection and notification of successful teams: week of October 10, 2022
  • Signature of financing agreements: October 30, 2022 (deadline)

For more information click here.