I'm upgrading my software to comply with the implementation guide

In parallel with developments and the CNDA authorization procedure (if I'm concerned), I'm upgrading my software so that it complies with the requirements of the INS software implementation guide. The INS component of Ségur's referencing specification files (DSR) is, moreover, based on these requirements.

07. I upgrade my software to implement INS

As non-identity repository software, you must comply with the implementation guide requirements tagged as "valid for all software."



The National Identity Vigilance Repository (RNIV)

This standard lists the minimum requirements for user identification that all players in the healthcare ecosystem must comply with.

Technical specifications for INS datamatrix

The INS datamatrix must be printed on physical media containing health data referenced with the INS.

Implementation guide

This guide, drawn up by the ANS, sets out for publishers the rules defined in the INS repository and in the RNIV.

What you need to know

  • The INS repository, the national identitovigilance repository and the implementation guide were made enforceable with the order of May 27, 2021 approving the modifications made to the "National Health Identifier"
  • repository.

Consult the order of May 27, 2021

  • For Segur referencing, INS requirements in DSRs correspond to

Consult the Ségur Numérique referencing and financing guided path

Take part in the editors' webinars or watch the replay

The webinar "Publishers - deploy the National Health Identity with your customers"

See the replay



Watch the replay of the "Actu #INS" program and discover feedback from the first publishers to deploy INS at their customers' sites.

Need help?

If you have any questions, please contact GIE SESAM-Vitale by email


I download my complete INS guided tour and the checklist summarizing all the actions to be taken

Mon parcours guidé INS