I develop the INSi teleservice call

As a reminder, as a non-identity repository software, I'm not involved in the INSi teleservice recovery operation.
At the same time as I'm developing, I'm filling in the CNDA acceptance file. Once development is complete, my file will be verified, and then my software will be tested by the CNDA to authorize it to use the INSi teleservice


  • You must have an account on the GIE SESAM-Vitale industrial space and have downloaded the technical documentation.
  • You must have signed a contract with CNDA.
  • You must have the necessary equipment to carry out the tests.

Our advice

  • To obtain your authorization, follow the CNDA compliance testing guide to the letter
  • .

Point of vigilance

You are not concerned by this step if:

  • Your software receives health data referenced with INS only from your identification domain (your software does not receive health data referenced with INS from another identification domain)


  • Your software stores healthcare data .... (example: regional PACS)

05. I develop the INSi teleservice call

GIE SESAM-Vitale is in charge of technical support for component integration and function call programming


The CNDA is in charge of technical support on test execution and results




What I have to do

  • Your software development is to be carried out on the basis of the reference documents you have downloaded from the GIE SESAM-Vitale industrial space.
  • The CNDA test environments and guides will enable you to validate the development of each feature and build up the acceptance file for your software.
  • This constituted file will be attached to your request for authorization from the CNDA. After analyzing your file, the CNDA will organize a test session to grant you authorization.

Important: To make it easier to obtain your CNDA authorization, follow the CNDA compliance testing guide to the letter.

To help you, go to your industrial area

  • View the replay of the webinars "INSi teleservice development training" and "Developing mutual TLS authentication by software certificate for INSi"
  • Consult the support and Q&A summary
  • Consult the AMO teleservices integration support page (training and support materials for the integration of integrated health insurance teleservices).

Need help?

The GIE SESAM-Vitale provides support via mail or telephone. CNDA provides support via Helpdesk accessible via your personal space.

If you need to contact the GIE SESAM-Vitale service center for problems related to the integration of the INSi teleservice, please remember to provide the following inputs to facilitate analysis:

  • context,
  • environment (production or test)
  • traces (Request/Response in xml preferred)

06. I obtain authorization from the CNDA

The CNDA is the Centre National de Dépôt et d'Agrément.

This organization authorizes your software to use the teleservices implemented by Assurance Maladie, including the INSi teleservice.



I submit my recipe file on the CNDA website


If your application is deemed admissible, you will receive your appointment date, usually within two weeks.

  • Submit your recipe file via your personal space on the CNDA website.
  • On receipt, the CNDA will give you a provisional date for the end of processing of your file.
  • If the file is deemed admissible, you will then be notified of an examination date based on the CNDA's initial availability.
  • If the file is not deemed admissible, a report will be sent to you so that you can submit a corrective file until it is deemed admissible.

I take the tests to obtain CNDA authorization

  • The CNDA will carry out the tests remotely from a Teamviewer session on the publisher's workstation. The duration of a test session varies from half a day to one day (depending on the functionalities retained by the software)
  • These tests are carried out on the full basis of the test guide issued by the CNDA.
  • To validate a session it is necessary for all tests to be passed without requiring any software modification.

I am authorized by the CNDA

  • Being CNDA authorized means that your solution is able to call the INSi teleservice.
  • Once authorized, CNDA will issue you the production authorization number to be integrated into the "LPS context" of each request.
  • Your solution will be referenced on the CNDA website and included in the GIE SESAM-Vitale product catalog
  • .

Important: This authorization does not cover the requirements of the implementation guide produced by the ANS, which you must also comply with.

Need help?

If you have any difficulties, you can send your questions to CNDA

I download my complete INS guided tour and the checklist summarizing all the actions to be taken

Mon parcours guidé INS