I set up the development environment

As software that is not an identity repository, I am not concerned by the INSi teleservice recovery operation. I retrieve the technical documentation relating to the verification operation from my industrial space on the GIE SESAM-Vitale website. I sign a contract with CNDA for access to the test environments. I order my test CPx cards or test certificates from ANS



You must have downloaded and consulted the base documentation


Our advice

  • Order your test CPx cards or test certificates as soon as possible, as lead times can be long.
  • If you already have an account on the GIE SESAM-Vitale industrial space, download the documentation relating to the INSi teleservice directly.
  • If you have already contracted with CNDA, connect directly to your personal space and sign the INSi teleservice contractual conditions.

Point of vigilance

You are not concerned by this step if:

  • Your software receives health data referenced with INS only from your identification domain (your software does not receive health data referenced with INS from another identification domain)


  • Your software stores healthcare data .... (example: regional PACS)

02. Download GIE SESAM-Vitale technical documentation

GIE SESAM-Vitale supports software publishers in developing their solutions and integrating the INSi teleservice.

On GIE SESAM-Vitale's industrial space, you can retrieve all the technical documentation for developing the INSi teleservice call.



Download technical documentation on GIE SESAM-Vitale's industrial space

  • You will find on your space the INSi package allowing to develop the call to the INSi teleservice, as well as the TLSi common documents including the Interoperability Framework in force.

I don't have an account on the GIE SESAM-Vitale industrial space yet?


3 days to open an account

Important: This access request requires the involvement of the legal representative or a delegation of authority on his or her part.

Need help?

Are you a new publisher wishing to make yourself known to GIE SESAM-Vitale's Industrial Relations department?
Contact relations-industriels@sesam-vitale.fr

03. I contract with the CNDA, and access my account

The CNDA is the Centre National de Dépôt et d'Agrément.

This organization authorizes your software to use the teleservices implemented by Assurance Maladie, including the INSi teleservice.



I sign the special condition with the CNDA

  • Signing this condition enables the publisher to access the deliverables required for the compliance request and to receive the test components (Vitale cards).

I don't have an account on the CNDA personal space yet?


5 days to open an account

Important: This access request requires the involvement of the legal representative or a delegation of authority on his or her part.

When I open my account, I retrieve my test data

  • The CNDA will send you the LPS authorization number to access the publisher test environment.
  • You will receive the test set of Vitale cards if Vitale card reading is to be implemented at your customers.

Important: CNDA will not issue you test CPx cards or test certificates. If you don't already have test cards or test certificates, or these last expire, you'll need to order some from the CNDA. To do this, consult the procedure for ordering these test products.

I download the test package on my CNDA personal space

  • You will find on your download area the latest version of the INSi package allowing you to run the INSi teleservice call tests in order to obtain authorization for your software.

Need help?

If you have any difficulties, you can send your questions to CNDA by email

04. I'm equipping myself to develop the INSi teleservice call

The ANS is the French Agency for Digital Health


This organization issues test CPx cards and test certificates.





CPx test cards and test certificates

Test CPx cards and test certificates should be ordered as soon as possible from ANS. To do so, follow the detailed procedure on the ANS website.

Depending on your requirements, you can order test CPx cards only, test certificates only, or both.

Important: if you already have test CPx cards and test certificates, check their validity. These products expire after three years.

If I don't have test CPx cards and/or test certificates, I order them from ANS


PC/SC card reader

Valid only if you develop the CPx card authentication modality

The PC/SC card reader can be ordered from any reseller.

If you do teletransmission, your SESAM-Vitale reader (bi-slot) is also suitable.

Need help?

If you have any difficulties ordering test CPx cards and/or test certificates, please address your questions to l'ANS.

I download my complete INS guided tour and the checklist summarizing all the actions to be taken

Mon parcours guidé INS