Remote monitoring reimbursement

Type of financing

Common law


Buyer / Medical device operator

Context of use

Facility / City

Purpose of the system

This system enables market access to remote monitoring activities under ordinary law, i.e. to obtain reimbursement from the French health insurance system. This is now possible via the List of Medical Telemonitoring Activities (LATM). It follows on from the ETAPES program experiment.

Getting started

The telemonitoring is a telemedicine medical act. It is the combination of:

  • Medical monitoring carried out remotely by a medical professional or team on the basis of data transmitted by the patient;
  • The patient's use of a digital telemonitoring medical device.

The coverage under common law makes telemonitoring activities eligible for reimbursement by the Assurance Maladie.

Calendar / periodicity

  • Since June 2023:it is possible to make a application for attachment to a generic line included on the list of remote medical monitoring activities.
  • Since February 2023: the guichets Convergence of the ANS in brand name and generic line are open in certifying mode;
  • December 30, 2022: Publication in the Journal Officiel of the décret d'application;

Type of financing

  • Two lump sums per patient are reimbursed:
    • a lump sum paid to the remote monitoring operator;
    • a lump sum paid to the MND operator.
  • The rates for the technical packages are set with regard to the organizational interest or the clinical interest that can be expected from the medical telemonitoring activity. Clinical benefit is assessed in terms of impact on quality of life, morbidity or mortality.
  • The medical telemonitoring service is evaluated by the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) on the basis of demonstrated clinical benefit or demonstrated organizational interest.


The amounts reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie are set by order of the Ministers of Social Security and Health.

The MND operating package rates, monthly and non-cumulative, are set per patient as follows:

  • for an organizational interest: €50 inc. tax
  • for a clinical interest relating to quality of life: €73.33 inc. tax
  • for a clinical interest relating to morbidity: €82.50 inc VAT
  • for a clinical interest relative to mortality: 91.67 € TTC

These rates may be adjusted according to the average monthly active file of all patients who have benefited from a medical telemonitoring activity in the same indication (all manufacturers included).

For more information, consult the arrest setting the fixed amount for remote medical monitoring activity.


For the same patient, the same indication, and for each billable period:

  • a technical package cannot be billed without an operator package being billed, and vice versa;
  • no more than one technical package or operator package may be billed.

Consult the terms and conditions for setting up and billing remote monitoring on the Assurance Maladie website.

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