The Health Directory is the national reference directory containing the identification data of all professionals involved in the health system.
Getting started
A video presentation of the RPPS+, and more generally of the identification of those listed in the directories, is available on the following Facebook page of the ANS
This directory contains the reliable, unique key identification data of all professionals who need to access, exchange or share health data for the purpose of care, coordination or regulation of services.
What identifying information is contained in the directory?
- Personal records data (such as name/first name/date of birth, etc.).
- Data specific to the health sector (such as the professional's national public identifier, profession or specialty, place of practice, public e-mail address, etc.)
Why use the Health Directory?
The directory allows you to identify professionals and to track updates to their practice.
It facilitates the implementation of application access policies based on the structural role of the professional.
The health directory is gradually being expanded to become the RPPS+, which will include all professionals who need an eHealth identity, including those in both the medical and social care sectors.
To find out more about the directory and how to access it, go to Documentation.
In practice
Visit to freely read or download our excerpts manually, in order to familiarise yourself with the data in the Health Directory.
When ?
When you want to check the information of a health professional, check our data on the user interface.
When you want to create a directory of contacts, download the excerpts of our data to populate your database.