Health insurance


Support / Care and treatments / Regulation

Type of actor

Institutional player

Fields of intervention

Health / Social care

Intervention zone


This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector

What is Assurance Maladie?

The Caisse nationale de l'Assurance Maladie (Cnam) manages the sickness, occupational injury and occupational disease branches of the general Social Security scheme at national level.

It steers, coordinates, advises and supports the action of the local organizations in its network (CPAM, ...). It conducts negotiations with healthcare professionals. In this way, it contributes to the efficiency of the healthcare system and compliance with the national health insurance expenditure target (Ondam). Lastly, it participates in public prevention policies and in ensuring that policyholders become active players in their own health.

Access the Assurance Maladie website

This player helps you innovate in the social and medico-social sector


The 5 major objectives of Assurance Maladie are:

  • Strengthen access to the healthcare system;
  • Contribute to the transformation and efficiency of our healthcare system;
  • Render to users a service maintained at a high level of quality;
  • Support healthcare innovation;
  • Succeed integrating other schemes by guaranteeing efficient operation of the branch.

These objectives are redefined every 4 years by Cnam and the French government.

I have a project. How can I get in touch with Assurance Maladie?

Mon espace santé aims to put users back in charge of managing their healthcare data throughout their lives, in complete security. The ambition is to provide a free, ergonomic, interoperable, ethical and sovereign public service, so that health data management does not become a commodity held by private players.

Regarding referencing to the Mon espace santé catalogs, digital health companies can refer to the portal.

The Bouquet de Services aux Professionnels (BSP) aims to make life easier for healthcare professionals, by enabling them to choose trusted digital services that comply with the doctrine of digital healthcare, and mirror the functions of Mon espace santé. It simplifies professionals' navigation between these different services, avoiding reconnections and the re-entry of patient data.

The BSP offers two complementary modes of access to digital services for professionals:

  • A web portal (web BSP)based on amelipro accessible via authentication by CPS card or Pro Santé Connect (eCPS) and, in a second phase, indirect authentication. This portal combines the tele-procedures historically made available in amelipro, and associated with the missions of the Assurance maladie (notice of work stoppage, consultation of rights...), health services, such as the dematerialized child health record, consultation and updating of the DMP, and direct and fluid access to referenced third-party services. The construction of this portal is initiated by the merger of amelipro and web PS DMP.
  • BSP APIs integrated into professionals' business software. These APIs bring together the current DMP APIs, the Assurance Maladie's integrated teleservices (TLSi) including the digital prescription and INSi, and a forthcoming equivalent of the Mon espace santé APIs for accessing patients' structured health data (medical profile, etc.). Work is underway to enable API access with Pro Santé Connect (eCPS).

Regarding BSP-related environments, digital healthcare companies register with the GIE SESAM-Vitale website, which will support them every step of the way through to their software certifications.

At what stage of my project should I contact you?

You can get in touch with CNAM before, during or when a project is mature, in order to be directed towards support schemes for innovation in healthcare, to benefit from advice relating to the development of your project.

To use the Professionnel de Santé online services, I register from the outset on the GIE SESAM Vitale website, which will guide me through the CNDA certification process.

Does it finance projects?

The Cnam now covers digital medical devices for individual and collective use, registered on the list of reimbursable products and services (LPP) or on the list of remote medical monitoring activities (LATM), after they have been assessed by the Haute Autorité de Santé.

As part of Article 51 experiments, Cnam finances and evaluates organizational innovations, 18% of which are based on digital technologies. It also reimburses medical devices for remote monitoring or therapeutic purposes, on the basis of initial clinical studies, as part of prise en charge anticipée numérique (PECAN).
These two schemes enable digital innovations to be reimbursed on an exceptional basis, facilitating their access to long-term reimbursement.

Cnam may also be called upon to accompany the implementation of real-life experiments and the conduct of initial industrial stages in specific sectors.

Practical guide

Who's the right person to talk to?

The Telehealth and Digital Innovation Department is the key contact for telehealth and digital innovation issues.

This department draws up and steers Assurance Maladie's telehealth and digital health strategy, working to accelerate and structure digital health.

The Direction Opérationnelle du Numérique et de l'Innovation en Santé is the privileged interlocutor concerning subjects related to Mon Espace Santé.

Do you charge for your services?


Can your organization support my project individually?

The CNAM can support you in presenting its own requirements, and direct you to its institutional partners where appropriate.

50 Avenue du Professeur André Lemierre 75020 Paris

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