I want to check if I'm eligible for PECAN (Prise en Charge Anticipée Numérique).

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Does my DMN have a therapeutic purpose or is it a telemonitoring activity?

Has my product been CE marked for medical devices?

To be marketed in the EU, my DMN must meet general safety and performance requirements. These are defined in the European DM regulations.
Find out more: visit My CE mark.

Is my solution innovative?

Can I demonstrate the clinical and/or organizational benefits of my solution?

Can my DM or remote monitoring activity export processed data?

  • It enables data to be exported in appropriate, interoperable formats or nomenclature, guaranteeing direct access to the data.
  • Or it includes interfaces enabling data exchange with devices or accessories for collecting patient vital parameters.

My solution is already covered by another plan

I'm eligible for PECAN (Prise en Charge Anticipée Numérique)

Early reimbursability is relevant to you

Go to my PECAN roadmap